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Everything posted by Lotoluck678

  1. yeah, pretty much just what the title says. i was having real bad latency issues, and then the whole game kinda just gave up. exit to character select wasn't working, exit to desktop wasn't working and my character could move around and could interact with objects and npc's but couldn't loot/buy/sell/ etc. so i went into task manager and hard crashed the client. ...now i can't get past character select. the game boot's up just fine, but literally refuses to load my character. it also lets me enter character creation, but refuses to confirm and load the new character. it's stuck in character select and won't let me connect to the game worlds. i figured i'd wait a few hours and see what happened (it happened around 1am CST) but after 2 hours i just called it and went to bed. woke up this morning, and got as far as it giving me a loading message while sitting there for over 5 minutes. got frustrated, hit exit on the character select menu. ...don't know if it changed anything. i'm not getting a loading message anymore, but it didn't seem like it was working regardless. i'm not bitter because there's a problem, i'm upset because i want to play but can't. Merged. Update: was running game through leftover account information on steam, which no longer has a store page. was thinking that might be an issue, so i uninstalled and reinstalled through GamersFirst. about 15m, and now i'm back to getting "your area is currently loading, please wait..." i'm just going to sit on this, and let you guys know what happens. Merged. yeah, it failed. the "your area is currently loading, please wait..." message is still there. but the options delete, create and play have re-lit and when hitting play a sound effect plays. the options grey out for about 15s and then re-light again. going to try deleting the character, see what happens. prolly shoulda explored all this before posting, but at least it'll make a decent record i guess? Merged. Final Update: deleting the character seemed to work. it was only level 4, so that's not a very big deal for me. still, prolly something to look into in case someone else has a similar issue after significant game progression. i'm back in though, and that's all i care about. rock n roll baby, peace out.
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