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Posts posted by Euxoa

  1. 12 hours ago, UpholdThePeace said:

    This makes complete sense in the APB timeline to me, San Paro is stuck eternally in the early 2010s after all. 

    Where we've been promised a Medspray nerf for a couple months as well.

    Also, for previous arguments of my "rarely seeing real bronzes and silvers", may I turn your attention to this thread posted  back in July.


  2. On 8/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Euxoa said:

    I know cheaters flood EU.


    On 8/9/2021 at 5:45 AM, Gateron said:

    Bruh you must be Insult removed.    - Azukii  . How many people do you think I met playing this game since 2012? I got a group of real friends now that I know for years. Don't act like you are something special you are a another Insult removed.    - Azukii on copium thinking this game has no cheaters problem.


    Nice insult removed there buddy. Shows how educated you are. Also, nice reading skills. Might wanna pick it up a bit, will come in handy later on in life. And yes, I am 100% special. I made that the focal point of my existence and in everything I said that I am superior to everyone.


    Get your head out of your behind please lmao. Just the simple fact bronze is the only populated district, and it barely pushes 40 total daily, shows you that part of what I said is right. When we have a silver/gold day, it goes up to 70, and even saw 40/40 the other day. And every person I played, didn't find a single cheater.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gateron said:

    Funny thing is I though I knew people. The people I knew so very well and protected some turned out to be cheating so I don't get your point. Knowing someone =/= cheating I see . Because you are friends with someone doesn't mean there is not a possibility that he is cheating. Like I said good closets only toggle when they can't win or hate that person.


    My old "friends" never toggled against me because we are friends but, that also gave me the idea that they aren't cheating. Guess what it ended up they where cheating in the end. Your logic makes no sense it's like saying he didn du nuffin he a good boy cus i know him. 


    get out of here this game is dead because of the consistent closeting problem because someone downgraded the anti cheat.


    Your excuse for not being able to make real friends, and them turning out to be cheaters doesn't mean mine are. Don't bring your sad childhood into this.

  4. 4 hours ago, Gateron said:

    Man you must be so shit that the closets don't even need to toggle on for you. You legit don't know what happens behind the scenes with cheats. Some closet cheaters are also good players + cheats gives them them the bigger edge. These days the old cheaters that rerolled don't toggle to everyone expect people they really don't like or know they will lose to if they don't toggle. Let me tell you been playing since 2012 in the beginning they couldn't go blatant since they though they could get banned but, now they know lidl orbit doesn't do really much other then look at griefing reports.


    We are so far in the game that some cheaters are actually good players and only toggle on when they go against someone they have trouble to play against or they just straight up don't like that person.


    They are named a closet cheaters for a reason they want to look legit.

    First off, before we continue, I’m speaking on behalf of NA. I know cheaters flood EU.


    You seem to not know people very well. While I do agree there is a cheating issue in APB, it’s a very very very small portion. And a lot of times, the only people who cry wolf are the low rank silvers or bronzes complaining they got trampled by a 195+ gold. That’s not a cheater issue. That’s APBs terrible matchmaking.  


    As for NA, a lot of the people that are accused of being cheaters there because they’re really good, I’m friends with and play on a day to day basis and aren’t cheating. So before you shit yourself anymore, how about getting to know people first. Innocent until proven guilty. Not vice versa.

  5. 8 hours ago, seismi said:

    i'm going to touch on this a bit and say that cookie is correct here, at least in bronze districts i do see a large number of genuine silvers and bronzes, even a green at some point. silver district is filled with gold/gold dethreats though. i'm also only speaking on behalf of NA joker for this


    1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Must be why silver districts are so full. 



    Insults aside, the bulk of the player base is now and always has been silver.




    So when I hop on a smurf silver and go into bronze, how come I only see dethreated silvers and even some high rank bronze players trampling the “genuine silvers”…?

  6. 5 minutes ago, UpholdThePeace said:

    It's unfortunately obvious at this point that they don't plan on making any changes before the engine upgrade 'comes out', all they're currently doing is hemorrhaging the players they have left by not making simple changes that surely wouldn't require much time or manpower to implement. 

    We're not asking for huge swathes of content or to fix every issue people have with the game (because yes, that's impossible) - it's simple things to make it playable now, stuff like anticheat, threat seg, and following through on reverting medspray (when did they bring this up again??). 

    Despite the rant I do wish Matt & his team the best of luck with their workload, but I do think neglecting the current game-state entirely was a questionable call, it's not as though revenue will come back in on a free to play game after its updated, you need a player base for that. 

    I vividly remember LO saying “we reverted medspray and are going to push the update this week” like 2 months ago LMAO

  7. The game is one again in an uplayable state for golds, which makes up most of your playerbase. We had 2 good days in NA with almost full server, and bronze only is barely pushing 20 each side. 

    Remove threat segregation already so you can keep the players you have left. You've done it before, and you can do it again. A lot of my friend group have already officially quit, and I'm nearing it as well. You're losing us LO.

    • Like 1

  8. On 8/5/2021 at 9:48 AM, Datpaper420 said:

    Apb doesn't have an active anticheat according to reddit, BE is disabled, and EAC wasnt implemented even tho its free for developers...Im not gonna bother yall gonna defend your cheater buddies and im just gonna let ur NA server die, no point trying to argue when its obvious cheaters rule the game. Sorry i myself had enough, and sorry but not sorry i will not recommend apb in its current state to any new players, i refuse, don't like it ban me forever and ever! 😄

    Just the simple fact I have 0 clue who you are, and you talk like you just came out of your mother means you're irrelevant, and likely a low-mid silver who's seen gold maybe once or twice because their threat calculation is dogshit. Cheaters don't "rule the game". Most of the people that are left are people that have been playing for 5+ years like myself, and know the maps and know how to use a mouse and click left click. Just because you get shit on doesn't mean they're cheating, it just means you suck. Now trust me, back when I was newer(ish), I felt the same way. But I played consistently, and got better and now I'm to the point where I get called a cheater daily just because I jump scout someone after 3 successive .45 shots. Not cheating, just experienced. Learn the difference. You're the reason this game has gone to shit, because half this playerbase is too soft, not to mention 0 content, patch, etc. updates and staff that doesn't care.

    Sorry for the little rant, but holy shit I'm getting tired of seeing this.

  9. On 7/20/2021 at 10:42 AM, CookiePuss said:

    I get how it could seem like don't, but you have to understand that the community agrees on very very little. 

    So am I, so is everyone. 

    We wont be getting much before the new engine so all we can do is pray that it works out, and soon. 




    I don't mean to sound ungrateful or disrespectful to LO here, but after years and years of promise with nothing, I have little hope. I see Matt making progress, but so did G1. And it never released under G1, nor was it ever close. If you lose a majority of your player base before the engine upgrade, what's to say the engine upgrade will even bring anyone back. You've already scared everyone off. Optimization and shiny new graphics wont change shit.

  10. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Have you been paying attention at all?

    So where's the new content? How about those weapon balances. Ayo how bout that med spray tho! Woahhhh sick looking engine upgrade. Oh yeah im still gold meaning I can't play! Not like i wanted to anyway. 11/10 game would recommend to family if they were dead.

    TL:DR yes ive been paying attention to dust clouds.

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