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Posts posted by RETARD

  1. these are some names i didn't want but aren't taken if anyone wants them :).

    some are good some are bad just names i didn't want

    comment below if u got a name ill try to update the list as names are being taken

    and ill be adding more names to the list when i find them so check back daily or in a week or so


    idrc (NA) (didnt try EU)





  2. keeps saying my character is stuck in district or my account is logged into on another client


    idk why its doing this but its annoying and everytime i have to wait 15+ minutes then it works but it keeps happening everytime i login

  3. On 6/18/2021 at 4:12 PM, PotatoeGirl said:

    Either get rid of groups or force them to play in another channel.


    Every time when the teams consist only of solos the game feels so much fun and even balanced.


    But when premade get matched vs all solos (as usually happen), you may as well go afk because it is game over and you are waiting for the timer to runs out. 


    so you want them to make people stop playing with their friends because you are shit at the game?

  4. On 5/22/2021 at 2:03 PM, MasterTheHero said:

    For the past 11 years, the first 5 spent playing the game. I have been lurking on the APB forums, reading updates from Matt, following blog posts, all in the vain hope of finally seeing that the engine update is released.


    Three years after Little Orbit has taken over this still hasn't happened.


    I do not understand why these game devs think they could reverse engineer APB's code into NOT EVEN the newest engine of Unreal. It is painfully apparent that Real Time Worlds coded the game in a way that would only work with the Unreal Engine it was built in. Every week I read Matt's engine tracker updates and all I see is problem after problem in regards to making this game work. It's too old, it was never built properly to begin with, and I think Little Orbit is wasting time trying to make this game work.


    The amount of time invested into upgrading the engine should have been spent rebuilding APB from scratch with the Unreal 4 codebase or a different engine altogether.


    The code was not built correctly, plain and simple. If it were built correctly, then APB would be in the same boat as Grand Theft Auto Online which is using the RAGE engine version built during GTA IV. Their engine is not perfect and it certainly has a lot of limitations, but the code to upgrade it and continue to develop it is on a solid foundation. That same GTA IV engine was used to develop Red Dead Redemption 2. Funnily enough, I believe horses were listed under vehicles and there was still some code for airplanes that weren't used in RDR2.


    My concern now is that I fear Little Orbit will now run into the investors fallacy. Where they've spent so much money on trying to make something work they will continue throwing money into it even though it's never going to pan out. This is how I feel about APB.


    Instead of trying to glue together a broken egg shell, Little Orbit should consider transferring their resources into developing APB 2 and just put APB 1 on maintenance mode.


    Reasons why Little Orbit should focus on developing APB 2 instead:


    1.) Good will with APB is already tarnished. The terrible launch on consoles already left a bitter taste in most gamers mouths who didn't know anything about APB.

    2.) The engine update isn't even going to dramatically increase graphic fidelity. The screenshots that were released with the "engine update" is the equivalent of an HD remaster of a game. And with the way development has been going, stability won't be improved due to spaghetti code.

    3.) Veteran players have been playing the same maps for 11 years. There's no freaking way new players will stand a chance against the vets. When I was matched against a new player, I was dominating the poor kid without even trying. So rather than let him get discouraged, I change my guns (nerfed myself) and played less competitively. I heard him get excited over voice chat when he was finally able to beat me. I shouldn't have to play worse so that new players don't leave.

    4.) With all the experience Little Orbit has gained in the development of APB, all that experience can be transferred over into developing an engine that is stable, clean, modable, and offer better performance than the current one. Leave the original APB in maintenance mode, continue to run your events, and build a competent codebase that can be upgraded in the same way as Rockstar's RAGE engine.

    just stop

  5. 8 hours ago, JOSELA said:

    Some people said that the engine update would never come out, that the apb always promised and never ended up fulfilling, it is more since this had already been said years ago. I honestly did not understand these people, but every time I understand them more. Please do it before the game dies at once and get it right.


    It would be good if they are taking a lot of time to put new weapons, new cars, even new maps.... to give freshness to the game and also do a good business for the company because if they do it well the word will spread and old and new players will come.


    That would be the smart thing to do, but I'm content with them getting the new graphics out.


    Regards To Everybody.

    See you this summer on the San Paro Streets ❤️

    honestly if i was you i would just quit apb reloaded, the game is boring as fuck.

  6. no one here cares about your feelings or frustrations lmao, i dont want to come on here and see you complaining about something that's already been said 100x.

    we know matchmaking is a problem but they cant fix that right this second and do everything u say right when you want them to, they are maybe fixing it with the engine but as matt has said a million times it is taking forever because of what GamersFirst did so wait for engine or leave the game, it makes no sense to say how much you dont like the game or something in but you still play contantly XD.

  7. 12 hours ago, Cyberlicious said:

    A time will come when even fanbois get tired of swallowing crap from the orifice they enjoy sucking so damn hard.

    fanboy? you dont have any fans in this game XD. this is my first impression of you and i already fucking hate you.


    so far ive seen you are literally a joke to this community.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cyberlicious said:

    Funny thing... in "other" games... forums are for feedback... and INVOLVED companies pay their mods to follow the player feedback so they can investigate areas in need of improvement.  APB under LO mismanagement has become ABANDONWARE... and the ONLY reply concerned long-time players get is the same crappy disrespect and demotivating dismissal from the same lamebrained toxic cks currently ruining the game. Lovely.



    i literally dont give a single fuck, you crying on the forums isnt the feedback they need, helpful feedback yes. they already know they need to fix things so why keep telling them?

  9. if you dont like the game then dont play it. so fucking simple, stop crying about the game if you play it everyday.




    On 4/24/2021 at 8:44 PM, Cyberlicious said:

    He probably hasn't been playing actively for 8 years, may not have even played for the last year or 2, may have high ping, etc.  He's complaining about being WTFpwned... not because he's lying or incapable, but because LO abandoned the current game and let every exploiter, hacker, toxic match blocker, dethreater, suicider, etc destroy the game.  You'd see it too if weren't playing toxic fanboi so damn hard,

    Unless he himself is a bronze/silver due to not having played the game in the past year or having really bad ping. The idea that you're playing "gotcha" when he's telling the truth is pathetic.  He's not bragging about being a good player.  he's trying to expose to INCOMPETENT LO that the matchmaking is broken and the game is dying because toxic dethreater bullies who go gold and dethreat everyday chase off the new/casual playerbase.

    LOL. you think making a post to complain is going to make LO release the engine and fix everything thats wrong with this game faster?? as they and many others have said this game is going to take a while to fix because Gamersfirst messed it up so badly, so making post after post about everything wrong with the game is just annoying for them and everyone else. Wait for the engine like everyone else or just leave the fucking game. No one is forcing you to play apb. if you thinks its so bad dont play it.


    everyone that is complaining about this game being so bad is the same people that play this game 24/7, YOU are choosing to still play the game so stop complaining about it.

  10. On 4/19/2021 at 11:09 AM, CookiePuss said:

    I hate to break it to you, but everything you've suggested has been said hundreds of times on the forums. People are tired of suggesting I think.

    suggestions dont work if they dont use them so its just boring suggesting things they will never add , like you all think you are doing something by making annoying patootie posts like this thread. It does nothing to make things like this.

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