God I hate that Term ShawCopters, I see the term ALL the time. But have NEVER seen anything remotely close to "SHAWCOPTER".
If ppl cheat they usually use 1 of 3 guns. A Carbine, A NTEC or a Oscar. Just the facts please......................
Also, this the fault of alot of this is the game itself. I am not claiming to know how or why. But, when large groups of my friends decide to Switch up and Go against each other.
We notice alot of ghost shotting, BOTH teams will swear they sniped someone 3 times or something similar. And they did not get hit at all on their side they NEVER was hit.
Just saying, NOT ALL, but a good majority of the Negativity in this game is stuff like this.
IT leads to hackusating and hating and it really sucks
Also, There are really hacks. Ran into one just a few minutes ago. Trainee with Ntec modded and symbols assigned and wrecks the entire team.
Reroll You say, OF couurse! Reroll with hacks.?
If you are that good then why do you need to reroll in a bronze server?
This is way worse than all they crying of dethreating and EXCUSE of low pop for Golds to play in Silver.
Silver is the meat and potatoes of this game. And they have Zero Home. Crapped on by GOLDS if they got to THEIR server. And accused of being dethreaters if they got to Bronze. Bronze has it even worse. They don't know how to pick a server and wind up in Silver.
I am so sure those VET GOLDS help and go easy on them.....YEA RIGHT!
All of this has been addressed OVER and OVER before.
BS on Engine upgrade will fix it. Its all an excuse to farm By GoLDs that LO ONLY listens to.
Whic is really dumb, cuz these guys have already bought everything.
Don't you want some NEW Customers that actually spend moeny.
Please stop listening to the Big Fish in the Tiny TINY POND.