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  1. We South American players are anxiously waiting, because we would certainly spend a lot of money, the least we would like is some attention! WE LOVE THIS GAME! Note: we Brazilians are the vast majority of NA
  2. Olá a todos! Gostaria de saber se há como abrir uma votação de quantos são a favor a um Servidor Brasileiro ou América do Sul, essa dúvida me surgiu após perceber que muitos dos players são br's e pararam de jogar devido ao ping, sei que nós brasileiros não somos muito Unidos, cheguei a perguntar a um membro da We are Legion, mas acredito que sim, se houvesse uma divulgação teria uma grande parte a favor do servidor Brasileiro ou América do sul. OBS: assim o Citadel não seria o único com players ativo. Then translated into English: Hello everyone! I would like to know if there is a way to open a vote on how many are in favor of a Brazilian Server or South America, this question arose after I realized that many of the players are Brazilian and stopped playing due to ping, I know that we Brazilians are not very United, I asked a member of We are Legion, but I believe so, if there was a disclosure there would be a big part in favor of the Brazilian or South America server. NOTE: so Citadel would not be the only one with active players.
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