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Everything posted by Souri

  1. Souri


    Yeah they stay at bronze, because they win. Much of them have stats like 20 - 5 then. But they are destroying others fun, like the good golds destroy their fun on a silver district. So i think they are egoists and don't care about others. In my mind the game should change the threatsystem from scratch, that everybody can have fun. So or so, i think obvious dethreating should really be bannable as the tos say. There should be a stricter control. What is the problem about playing a few missions on a silver server and doing his best until you are silver again?
  2. Souri


    Hello, every time i want to try out if APB did some good changes i got golds with rating > 200 in my mission on a bronze server. Many times that are hole clans, they dethreath and the play on bronze with 4 golds in one team on a server, which is for bronze players. They are doing just doing that, because they want to play against bad enemies and get 21 kills and 2 deths. I wanted to show this game to friends, but they never had fun, because they got destroyed by 255 goldies on a server for beginners. Several times we reported dethreathers but nothing happend, even it is against the Tos. Why APB is giving a sh** to New players and letting hold players on bronze destroy other players fun? You really have to ban dethreathers it is against the Tos to dethreat and they are destroying the game.
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