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Posts posted by Sedustic

  1. Day before: Make swag outfit and car combo.
    Today: (Speaks to clanmates) Hey mah doods LUK at this outfit.
    APB: Kek. You can't login scrub. 
    Me: Why has god forsaken me. Please lord Matt help us in these dire times... 
    It's been 4 years without APB. The supplies of toxicity are running short within our veins. People are going crazy. Please bring it back!


    Hi, my name is Sedustic. You may know me or you may not. I have been around for a few good years now. Me and my friends have all been parts of a small amount of serious clans.

    During my time as a member of one of these clans I have really enjoyed the sense of community and unity within. I have however always found the same problem. The leadership would lack any sort of firmness and the clan would end up infested with people who had no idea what they're doing. I would like to aim to create a clan where everyone knows their place, their role and the direction the clan is going. I want to create a clan where the players can feel like they're important.


    Rule 28 has been a small clan that me and my closest friends used as a way to identify us as one. Due to Little Orbit taking over and the game once more regaining hope I believe that once more there is a reason to create and expand a proper clan.

    Therefore, I would like to announce that Rule 28 is now hiring.


    - For now the clan is only Enfo. If more people join we will make an equivalent on Crims.

    - We are looking for mature people, age is important but there isn't any restrictions on it.

    - We prefer game experienced players however, we do not look for a specific threat.

    - Being communicative in the English language is very important to us. We need to be able to speak to you. Which leads me to the next one:

    - In order to group with us we would prefer to be able to speak with you using a microphone although once more it's not a requirement.

    All in all we're looking for people who just like us - want to have to some fun.

    In order to apply please send me a private message with the following filled out:

    APB Game Time (Hours):

    Thanks and see you in San Paro 🙂

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  3. #trueogrenotop The amount of hate whispers I got for using the ogre. But all it takes is one mistake and I die. Good secondary and good anticipation skills are a must with the ogre. Engaging the timer before an enemy even appears is also important . Ultimately it's a weapon that anyone could be good with but to utilize it properly you need quite a bit of skill. And it's quite easy to beat if you just think about it. 

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