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About Grabbe

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    Thinking in binary...

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  1. Well we can not know. I believe game moderators have the ability to hide themself for monitoring.
  2. Sure, APB can stop cheating in a lot of ways. Imagine the power of BE with game moderators checking players behavior.
  3. They targeting their business-model which requires massive player-bases since they want to get profit out of it. A lot of server-side solutions like an AI which is learning how player movement / aiming is isn't possible and takes a lot of time to learn the AI (less players, longer learning period). Most people understand server-side anti cheat as it could read any data or whatever it takes to ban players, which isnt the point of server-side anti cheats. Server side anti cheats can be based on stats (which leads to false / positive as we know when fairfight hittet people), can be based on movement / aiming (mostly a AI like Steam's Vacnet) and by detecting un-natural values from packets received by the client. (like if view angles range from 0° to 180° and someone sends 454° to the server). Client side anti cheats are there to mostly prevent cheats from getting loaded (thats why it's called, "who loads first wins") or from manipulating client side changes. (also integrity checks)
  4. The current problem with scripts / macros will be solved by Battleye and i hope some top tier script users will be banned by it. The game is unplayable especially if you're playing and you face gold players using scripts / macros.. rapid firing pistols which isn't possible without macros.. There are a lot of users using aimbots / triggerbots currently.. you notice that pretty quickly when you get hit by every shot that a player takes.
  5. Cheaters don't just check for the red crosshair. There are a lot of attack vectors which APB gives. eg. red names when targeting, memory changes, crosshairs, skin-colors,...
  6. A new engine is surely stopping cheats for the first weeks / days since a new engine means that a lot of data-structures will change. Since the game is EAC/BE protected it shouldnt be possible to dump offsets that easily. You've to mention that Valorant AC is still in developing and is currently in "Sleep"-mode. They're collecting data and will release a full-tier anti cheat on game release. (closed beta end)
  7. Don't complain about anti cheats if you don't have any idea how they work. Both anti cheats have their pros and cons, even tho, both anti cheats are kernel based which means for an average user, loading up cheats isn't possible. Battleye / EAC killed most of the pay cheat providers because of their fight against cheaters. There will be always private cheaters who get cheats to work because of their own methods of bypassing protection checks. EAC / Battleye are the top tier anti cheats of the current time, there is no other anti cheat which is provided by the most multiplayer games, detecting so much cheats and script abuses. For me personally, Battleye is a stronger anti cheat because of their agressive methods to ban cheaters. While EAC is analysing behaviour of their users and monitoring a lot of variables before they ban, Battleye is constantly and permanently banning if a cheat is detected. Snipped non-forum appropriate content ~@mayii I'm developing a own kernel-based anti cheat system for my own project to prevent people from accessing game memory through user-mode and logging attempts to bypass / load cheats / use scripts. Fact is, there cannot be any anti cheat on earth which is bullet proof against cheat coders and people who know what they to. The change to Battleeye is a good step back and a good step for the players. I'll hope that BE will get implemented as soon as possible and the new engine is also coming as soon as possible. Thanks for reading! Good job @MattScott
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