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Posts posted by ArykGrev

  1. On 12/1/2021 at 12:40 PM, Erei said:

    The random master boss are a stupid design decision. I played S3 yesterday, and there is one master in Quarantine, and another in the pre-fall museum. For quests (there is a 3rd but it is not needed for the quest, and you can CC->loot the item). They are super small places where people don't stay, and the game population is not enough to support group content at random places. Especially considering how low the reward is.


    You make a lot of good points, but this part here, this is why I recently quit and uninstalled.  I've had enough.


    The obnoxious fetch-back-to-the-exact-same-location-over-and-over quests, quests that make you run to opposite ends of the map, quests that ask for various materials paired w/ the fact that many towns only having one storage meaning you'll have to travel all the way to a dual-vault town just to get the required mats, removing various crafting components from being lootable in the world, the constant lag stutter in practically every single combat exchange and even driving... all of that, I put up with it.


    But the Master bosses, especially once I got to S3, the constant experience of going through an entire quest chain, getting to the last quest to finish the storyline and get the AP... just to have to leave it because there was a (or multiple) Master boss bullet-sponges, I'd finally had enough.   I'm done with it.  Quit and uninstalled the other day.

  2. 8 minutes ago, AlphaBornElite said:

    I had a look the server is down because the guys and littleorbit gamersfirst took the game down for maintenance to address the issues of lag it's going to be down for 1 to 2 hours if needing proof this is a copy and pasted bit from community manager Sakbee Hello everyone, We will be taking the FE servers down in about 15 minutes to address the ongoing lag issues. This maintenance is expected to last about 1 hour as we look over our databases and compare binaries. We will then have a follow-up downtime starting tomorrow 12/2 at 9AM UTC that is expected to take at least two hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding,

    Where do you follow their updates?


    I don't see them posting here, and nothing on their FE Facebook page.

  3. 1 hour ago, sunset said:

    Having same problem as ArykGrev above.  Is the server still down or did its crash bug me?


    I filed a support ticket, including a screenshot of the Character screen and the msg listed above.  When I recently lost the Commander's Aura and filed a ticket, it was fixed within an hour or so.  No response yet on this one.


    I also created a new test character and it was able to enter into the game world (Hoover Dam intro tutorial), but upon exiting to character select, still unable to enter w/ my current toon.

  4. Is there a daily server maintenance, why this keeps being down (seemingly) most mornings?  So far it's at least been brief each time.


    "Your area is currently loading.  Please wait..."


    Can't enter the game world.

  5. 12 hours ago, Swestor said:

    I believe the spike in difficulty was a result of Patch 1.7.4.


    I can't find the notes for it sadly but I do believe that the notes said that max mitigation on the player's part was set from 60% to 50% which was changed to 55? after 2.3? I don't know tbh.

    Plus the AI getting their mitigation based on Veteran, Boss and Master with the standard for normal mobs being 25-33% or so alongside having power and precision being added them.

    Normal mobs who did 5-10 damage on average did 12-25 after the patch from what I remember which is very little.


    I just know that Commander Bergeron in Deadfall would die 1v1 versus my Telepath/Empathetic Melee CHOTA character back before the patch of course after 8? minutes and after the patch, he'd rip me a new one with how powerful he was made. Same with Corman, used to be able to 1v1 reasonable with First Aid with Staunch Wound 3/Patch 3 and use of disrupt/any other stuns at the time at level 15-18, but it was totally different once the patch hit.


    I don't even think people realized how much this changed the game for the worse imho.

    Holy moly, that explains everything!


    Why the hell did they do that?  What was supposedly wrong w/ the difficulty scaling before that it needed changed?

  6. 49 minutes ago, Ardenn said:

    Maybe I can field a bit of pondering thought.

    I actually had one of the Lightbearer capstones... but it was glitched and didn't even work right.  🤔


    I'm certainly not disparaging Little Orbit -- they're obviously putting the game up as a courtesy.  My comments I suppose are a suggestion that if they ever do fix up and release an improved version the game, one of the things that have arguably changed in the MMO world since FE first released, is difficulty scaling and the ability to have bosses that scale w/ the number attacking them.


    Put differently, if there is a quest/boss that is needed to fulfill a storyline, get XP, and the almighty AP points... that thing needs to be soloable.  OR it needs to be in an area sure to have lots of players and where one is sure to form a group.


    There are of course a lot of other QOL changes I see as I revisit this game, but the inability to finish major questlines is a real turnoff that I'd suggest must be addressed in any future release.

  7. 2 hours ago, Cadia said:

    Roses are red sky is blue grass is green and you are ranting


    And the last part cracked me up good


    Are you some kind of troll that never played the game or did someone asked you to do this lmao

    So you can't actually address and refute anything I've said?  Low emotional IQ.  If people like you had your way, this game would fail again... just so you could "be right."



  8. 3 hours ago, Cadia said:

    Have no idea what you are trying to say after reading

    Was it unclear?

    3 hours ago, Cadia said:

    Loved the game back then, still loving it now, nothing changed in game, everyone started from fresh so everyone is same

    Irrelevant to my point.  Playing as an alt, one can therefore craft the best gear as it becomes available, since you already have the mats in storage from previous playthrus.  Otherwise the higher level gear will often require mats that you will not have access to yet.  That in itself is not necessarily a problem, and adds to the desire to progress (so as to find areas that have requires mats for crafting). 


    However it is in issue if one needs to be min/maxed in order to complete certain content.


    3 hours ago, Cadia said:


    As for the bosses, most of those you can either kill them and ignore the adds, or just hit and run around LOS heal yourself, I never do them as waste of time


    "Bosses (or even mobs) that can barely be completed alone.  Yet beating these NPCs are required to complete quests, gain XP and progress."

    You are just ranting now are you?

    No, that's called "stating facts."  Many of those bosses / NPCs award XP and complete stories/questlines.  Therefore some people might want to complete them. 


    3 hours ago, Cadia said:

    There are probably less than 0.1% of the quests in the game that requires you to kill a boss, if you can't do it solo or find a group, just ignore it. I am 1000% sure this game DOES NOT REQUIRE you to kill these few bosses to gain xp and progress


    Don't know, or care, about what "percentage" of quests are actual boss quests.  Many of them are the culmination of the entire town's stories and questlines.  For example the Old Kingman I mentioned above, many of the stories are meant to ultimately resolve in the prison.  Hell the entire state of affairs of what is happening in the town is because of events in the prison.  (Ironically, I was able to solo Casta, only thru sheer cheese.  Ranged peek-a-boo.  Never would have worked as melee.)


    What if other people might play the game differently than you?  What if they care about the story, or want to complete all the content in a town?  Especially if the quests are all interlinked to a story?


    Now if that end content is meant to be group content, but it's an area that pretty much never has enough people to form a group, or if that particular player isn't geared optimally for that particular boss/end quest content, then I guess they're screwed?  They don't get to experience the story/content?


    Also you realize that if a game doesn't make money, it's not going to be around for long, right?  Now guess which game will do better financially:  one where it's realistic to finish content, vs nearly impossible under many circumstances that actually happen in-game?

  9. EDIT for clarity / brevity:  

    • it's super fun revisiting this game, but some issues are really apparently now, especially the difficulty spikes.
    • There are bosses and questlines that require a group to finish. 
    • There aren't enough players to form groups, at least on the starting Plateau map. 
    • (For example there was almost no one in Old Kingman when I had to run the prison, and I tried for hours at Watchtower to get a group to fight Corman (Master level boss).)
    • I'd recommend this seriously needs addressed in any improved future release. 


    One should not just 'skip' those quests; they're tied to the story, and to the events taking place in those particular towns, or even to your own character's story, the overall arching narrative story, etc.

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  10. 5 hours ago, ArykGrev said:

    Same here.  I had it up until today... then it was gone.


    Now scavenging nodes takes longer, and I can only craft 3 items at a time.  Didn't even bother submitting a ticket.


    Closed the game, won't be going back til (if) this is addressed.  Glad they're offering this F2P, but it's really just nostalgia that's keeping me going at this point... so many other good games out there, many launching holiday specials, expansions, etc.  Commander Aura allowed FE to be bearable.

    UPDATE:  I emailed Support@GamersFirst.com


    Within an hour or so, they fixed it!


    Very good customer service!


    ps.  had to exit game and re-start for fixes to engage

  11. On 11/12/2021 at 11:54 PM, Bioenergy said:

    yesterday i hit lvl 15 and command aura is gona...i try reboot many times but dont work..


    Just when i log in there a message...command not recognized or you dont have a nessesary rigths to run it


    Any help?

    Exact same thing happened to me.  (Including 'Command not recognized' msg in chat window)




    On 11/13/2021 at 10:28 PM, cowhorseman said:

    could always try a full reboot contact luka as he is the only gm i know of atm they have a discord but i don't use that so someone else will have to post the link.

    I restarted the game and tried dying.  Neither fixed it.

  12. 23 hours ago, Qtw said:

    what do i do? i tried emailing support yesterday but i got no reply as of yet.

    Same here.  I had it up until today... then it was gone.


    Now scavenging nodes takes longer, and I can only craft 3 items at a time.  Didn't even bother submitting a ticket.


    Closed the game, won't be going back til (if) this is addressed.  Glad they're offering this F2P, but it's really just nostalgia that's keeping me going at this point... so many other good games out there, many launching holiday specials, expansions, etc.  Commander Aura allowed FE to be bearable.

  13. On 11/5/2021 at 2:23 AM, Jeronan said:

    Your gamersfirst account is based on email and password. So if you have your password, just use your registered email address as login name.

    EDIT:  I was able to log in / use the launcher.


    Had to go look through my browser (Firefox) saved passwords.  Between the original FE, the various changes and buyouts, etc., I was using an older original login, instead of the more 'recent' one.

  14. Since folks are saying THAT version of the game is what they'll be putting on their servers?  The "Classic" version.  The version right before the game was sold, and not before, not launch version?


    I played back at launch, but was poor at the time, FE had no end-game, I wasn't going to pay monthly for that.

    I remember factions mattered.  Then I heard later they didn't.

    I remember scavenging made sense, in that materials were tied to areas where those materials would have appeared in the real world.  (Rubber found at factories, etc).  Then I heard they changed it, and made it more random or something?

    I remember grinding to get faction gear... yet some of the gear-abilities didn't even work.


    I have to wonder if we'll be playing the version functioning just before the sale, if factions therefore are meaningless, faction gear doesn't work right, materials spawn randomly across the wasteland, etc?


    Sure would be nice if "2.0" actually happens, and a lot of the fundamental problems are fixed.

  15. Do they plan on re-establishing the original factions?  (allies, enemies, special abilities and gear, etc?)


    Aint played since back when the factions were actually a thing, but I heard they changed that years later, so that faction no longer mattered.

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