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  1. I did this with dmz because open ports didn't work (I don't know why) for the problem I had and the support didn't know how to help me at all Another girl for my same country had the same problem (we had the same provider) and she told me to do this :s from*
  2. You can change your name btw, if you want (on here i mean), just saw your "about me"

  3. -english is not my main language- There are a lot of people with packet loss issue. My problem was really bad, I had from 500 to 1000 packet loss and then disconnected.. But this works also with low packet loss. You have to go in the page with your modem settings (where you have to log in as an admin) and activate an option called DMZ and put your pc id on it. It should works, at least for me it always worked.
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