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Posts posted by Kastellan_The_Guide

  1. 16 minutes ago, Jeilenne said:

    Calm down, I know you are angry just like hundreds of other people but anger won't solve anything. Take a deep breath, go make yourself some tea or coffee, then try again after some time...By the way, did you know that 100% of people who breath eventually die?

    I know it's difficult to grasp tones of people over text but I thought the Riot joke would have been more than obvious to indicate that this is a 'joke banter' and not a person raging. Simmer it down bout 10% on your Calm Down 'Pep talk', goes into an weird parent talk that makes you seem like a awkward fool.

  2. 24 minutes ago, MBiled said:

    I decided to try to buy a G1C and ended up spending my money, but didn't get the currency for the account :c

    Knowing full well that they have been having server issues, and closed down the only area you could spend that currency. Do you really think that was a smart move? Just couldn't wait for them to straighten everything out eh?

  3. 6 minutes ago, postalgril said:

    you are the dethreaters

    it's literally the golds that dethreat that do it, the only reason you ALL dont is because its boring having to dethreat. thank god its only a minority of you that do

    but now ALL of you are dethreaters because ALL of you are going to ruin the game for everyone


    its ok tho ive decided in matches against golds im just going to afk so i wont have to put up with it at least but i feel sorry for other bronzes that are going to and then leave the game because of you


    i hope the game dies now just to spite the golds since they're the ones going to kill it, they'll deserve to lose the game

    Honestly fella, this is some of the most narrow minded shit I've seen. I specifically made this account just to throw in a reply.
    Golds that dethreat because they want to club seals, yeah.. I get it, pain in the patootie. Shame on them anyways, those fella's only want to see high scores, don't care if they have to handicap to see it.
    But most people dethreat because for some fucking reason people want to play in bronze districts instead of silver districts, you'll have a silver financial but a bronze waterfront. Personal Example - What if I did all the contacts in financial and need to move to waterfront for Contacts? Ever try dethreating naturally? Took me 13 hours, by then the waterfront was dead.
    And whats with all this Gold Hate I've been seeing, some people are just better than others at video games, get over it man. Don't be such a spineless brat that you would specifically go afk because there are golds on the other team. How bout, not getting mad at the game when you lose. Last I checked, losing still gives you rewards/Money/Experience/Standing. Everyone is so focused on being the Best and having the highest score. Just try to enjoy the damn game, enjoy the customization, the MMO aspect, the style of combat.
    As a side note though; 'Golds' are not the ones who will kill the game, it's people like you who can't seem to just enjoy playing games that leave the game after losing a tad. That, and also this toxic hate people have against everyone else. If you're killed, so what. Don't go about whispering the fella and antagonizing them, or on district chat being a general prick. The game's population is too small to have a toxic patootie community, boys needs to Relax and just enjoy the game.

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