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Posts posted by MrSilverback

  1. 1 minute ago, Ai-Zhú said:

    Not anymore.


    Time to extend the Premium time compensation, eh?

    Right as I posted that lol


    Just now, BKristo said:


    this is getting boring already .... the serving is falling every 20 minutes ...

    he accidentally block all traffic, will be unblocked in 45 minutes. But not worry, he block will accidentally block it all again

  2. The thread is basically, "I don't feel like playing in the bronze district," *sticks fingers in ears*. 


    I'm silver so I'm playing in the silver district, who cares if the majority of the OP there is GOLD and way better than me. I could have better games in the bronze district, get more wins, and more standing, and everything will be better, but no, I want to sit at the grownups table.

  3. 2 hours ago, Jobs2k said:

    I want to weigh in on the back and forth about dethreating and server ranking from my own point of view.

    First (so you're less likely to want to jump down my throat and berate me), some context and stats:

    I'm pretty much a perpetual silver (a bit of that is by design, more later).

    I currently have just over 2000 hours in the game and, while I understand that I could easily of padded that stat in Social, I didn't. That's boring and, in my view, pointless. I enjoy playing the game.

    I've seen a lot, raged a lot, smiled a lot, been accused of hacking a bit.

    I have only one account; Citadel (originally Obeya) with three characters: 1 Crim (Jobs2k: 255), 2 Enf (Laney: 255, Jobs2k: Can't remember the rank but low and pretty much unplayed.

    Now, the content.

    After many years of playing I feel like the main reason to dethreat, especially in the current segregation system, is for someone of a gold skill/experience level to gain access to bronze level servers.
    My reasoning is simple - gold can go to silver any time they want.
    A frequent exchange when I kill a gold player goes like this:
    "You're shit. Go to bronze."
    "I'm silver, this is a silver server."
    "Then you should be on bronze [Insert random slur]."
    "I'm silver, this is a silver server. You should go to gold."
    "You're stupid. Gold servers are empty. Everyone knows silvers play on bronze and golds play on silver. Fuck off you stupid noob scrub."

    Let's break that down a little. Apparently, because I am not playing at the level a gold player thinks I should be to go against them (even though I just killed them) I shouldn't be in the server they are in. Now, I know that the most likely instigator of the exchange was 'butthurt' due to 'death by scrub'. People don't like to lose. I'm allegedly a person and I don't like losing.
    Now, why would/should the silvers go to bronze? I see two reasons.

    1.     They can fight bronze level players there.
    2.     They can 'escape' the golds there.

    They can fight bronze players, but "silvers play on bronze" so they'll be fighting both. Silver on silver is cool, it's the way it should be, but they shouldn't be slapping around bronze players.
    Why not? Because the game needs to keep players, not lose them. Bronze and green players need a place where they can be safe from stomping until (at the very minimum) they feel comfortable to branch out.
    "But wait, you said golds dethreat to gain access to bronze!"
    True, and I'll be the first to say that I don't have a foolproof solution for that incredibly complicated problem. What I will say is that I don't condone it and I wish LO every bit of luck finding a way to stop it. At the end of the day this game will succeed or fail based on holding a player base. Having newbs getting stomped and leaving is, in my view, the biggest root cause of the game being 'dead/dying'.
    The next point thrown out is that "gold servers are empty". My immediate reaction is "OF COURSE THEY ARE! You're all HERE!", hence me saying that I shouldn't have to go to bronze because they should be in gold.
    I realise that (while I feel that is correct on the face of it) it isn't a viable solution at this time because the player base is so small. I understand that people don't want to take on the same 10 - 20 players for 3 or more hours.
    The answer to this goes back to bronze players getting happy and secure enough in the game to enjoy it and stay. They then become silver, but happy silvers. They can take a bit more and they understand the game enough not to instantly feel victimised.

    To finally explain what I meant by being silver by design...
    I'm not generally at gold skill level because I don't play for a sustained amount of time. I'm back and forth in many games I play, spending multiple days focused on one or two until my desires shift. This means I frequently return to APB in a 'rusty' state. It also means that towards the end of each period of playing APB I have recovered what I had before and even progressed into 'gold territory'. This creates a few issues.
    Due to my feelings on what is fair I only enter servers that match my displayed threat level. No, I don't go gold and instantly switch servers, but I do check what my threat is before going to the server list.
    I know that players can move to one threat level either side of their current threat level. This means silver can go to bronze and gold. While my view of fairness means I don't go to bronze, I only hold that view when I'm playing alone or with similarly skilled players (well over 90% of the time). However, if I am bringing a new player in, and trying to help them find enjoyment in the game, I'm not going to take them into silver! At this point I will enter a bronze server, but I spend most of the time helping them understand the main mechanics and watching their back to stop gold experience silvers stomping them. I rarely end up at, or even near, the top of the mission stats.

    Because I don't know when a friend might express an interest in joining the game, and I want to support the game and grow the player base, I essentially give up making an effort (though I won't go AFK) when I go gold. I basically maintain silver as a personal balance. It allows me to play at my general level even when I'm rusty while also helping new players when desired.

    No matter what is done there are going to be 'bad actors' that like to spoil things or just simply test (and play with) the boundaries. I realise that this will always leave LO (or whoever owns the game) open to criticism. That's a hard place to be and I applaud their efforts while simultaneously being glad I'm not in their position.

    I would like to offer two potential solutions for the community to pick apart and criticise me for. Maybe LO might even consider if it is viable:

    • Would it be possible to time lock moving out of your threat bracket?

    Example: A silver goes gold. They can't switch instantly to lower server. They carry on playing where they are because it only just happened and they are doing well, having fun. If they haven't moved out of gold threat for 24 hours then they are refused entry to silver servers. Eventually they would have to stop playing (sleep, eat, RL stuff) so balance would slowly be achived. This would also mitigate people being silver, having a string of a few bad missions, then being unable to access silver to play with their friends. It could also have a knock-on impact of people trying to help others to stay at the same threat with them.

    • Would it be possible to kick players with a threat level that differs from the server threat?

    Example: The server has 39/40 Enf. A silver Enf goes gold or bronze. They are marked as 'kickable' and the server registers the time. A silver Enf enters the server. Server now at 40/40 Enf. The non-silver Enf that has the highest time being 'kickable' is allowed to finish the mission they are in, prevented from 'readying up' and kicked after X seconds. Server now back to 39/40 Enf.
    If the server is below 39/40 Enf then players of differing threat levels can still enter based on current 'one either way' rules of entry.
    This solution still allows for servers to remain well populated but they would slowly balance to being full of players of matching threat level.

    Make all the claims you want but opponents aren't messaging you and telling you to go to bronze, your own teammates are doing that. Why not just go to the bronze district where you will be more help to your teammates and not a burden?

    • Like 1

  4. On 11/24/2019 at 8:22 AM, Sayori said:

    blahblahblah, no arguments, no logic, only emotions.
    People lie all the time, they lie even when they are caught. Some get banned like 15 times and still swear they are legit.
    Just two months ago someone on the guildwars2 subreddit claimed he got banned for using an addon, managed to cause a sh.itstorm and made everyone grab their pitchforks...Until Security Lead came just to expose the guy cheating on dozen accounts(might have been over 30)
    I don't think support will just randomly lock an account without  any suspicious cues like different login locations etc.
    Would be nice this to be resolved eventually and LO to come and say whether they were wrong or right.

    I was perm trade locked because I used a popular VPN service and some other person that got banned used the same VPN service. Like going to jail because you moved into a convicts house and now have his old address. No evidence of a crime.

    • Like 1

  5. 16 minutes ago, wetslits said:

    my main problem with people accusing people of dethreating is I'm a perma silver, been one since i started years ago never been gold even if i had a really good game ( I'm a  mid to high skill  silver) if i shit on a low tier silver/hightier bronze they accuse me of dethreating because they arent skilled enough to beat me ... and if i got banned over it i want there to be some sort of recourse cuz that would be false flagging... i've been accused of being a fake silver more times than i can count cuz i have legendaries and accused of dethreating (i really just ramraid a shitload and i still suck against high tier silvers and gold) 

    To get banned you would have to get caught intentionally dethreating, not reported for it.

    • Like 1

  6. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    honest question  : how does " Ignorance is bliss " work when not all golds cheat but that person thinks otherwise.

    my mind veered off to something so im wondering sorry lol


    hopefully the IT team can find a solution soon then get some snacks or something.

    Because they think they are good at the game and that all golds just cheat. It's blissful to think one is really good and that everyone better just cheats.

    • Like 2

  7. 1 minute ago, AquaSensei said:

    It is technically dethreating. When threat is lost from gold to silver, what else you gonna say it is? Dethreats happen to players who think they gold, but in reality just got gold off a lucky win. When you drop from gold to silver, its classed as "Dethreating" do not sugar coat it, thats the effing truth. Thats how it is, and you have to deal with it or in rare cases LO bans you for exploitation of the threat system. So either you accept you are garbage and get silver and be honest and its all goods, but if ya dont play a mission and stand there, yeah....you are a deliberate dethreater that scares off new players in bronze ( if they aint rerolls )

    Because dethreating means it is intentional. Dethreating is the intentional loss of games for the purpose of losing threat.

  8. 36 minutes ago, RageKitty said:

    umm, when apb reloaded got relaunched, and gold was full, silver was full, and so was bronze. and I never really ventured into bronze. I was mainly in silver. so I did run into golds a lot. I got stomped a lot. but I got better. it didn't happen over night. or in a couple of days. if you want an easy mode game go play Farmville. but you have to put in some effort if you want to get good at the game. and as much as players like to say "oh I hardly put in effort to fight people" its true depending on the player you fight. but there are some games you run into where you have to try if you want to have somewhat a chance at winning. I don't go into every game thinking that my fellow golds have a cheating mechanism. which most don't they just know the mechanics and know how to use them well. as well as when you play the game long enough, you eventually get to predict what most apb players do. which is quite honestly easy since most of the pop do this. not to mention whenever you play in certain areas there are only so many avenues of attack. 


    but to answer your question. yes I got stomped plenty. plenty of times did I rage. plenty of times did I take breaks from apb. but I do enjoy the game. I do enjoy the community. you just have to have steel skin and be able to accept you aren't as good as you think you are and grow. 

    Don't talk about farmville until you play competitive farmvillel

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