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Posts posted by S00THSAYER

  1. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes?

    RIOT offers a blend of Fight Club style death matches with the scale and scope of Anarchy/Mission Districts. It sort of embodies what surviving in a war torn city like San Paro would feel like. No block is safe and your crew needs to be ready to fight tooth and nail to keep you alive.


    Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT?

    With a lot of improvements, I could see myself asking friends to try it with me, however it would have to contend with a lot of top notch BR's before I suggested it.


    How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it?

    Battle Royale meets GTA.


    What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could?

    If we are talking mechanics, a queue system is pretty much an absolute must right now. No one will give this game the time of day if they have to spam "Join" like we already do for Mission Districts.


    If we are talking basic game play, give everyone 1 extra life at the start to keep it interesting, and make the Legendary Drops offer any combination of Weapons, RIOT Specific Character Mods, Grenades or 1 extra life to be given to whoever claims the drop. Maybe make the drops APB themed (capture points, break ins, hacks, vans to force open, etc.). This way Legendary Drops become highly sought after, the extra life system isn't abused and the game play can have levels to it. RIOT appropriate Mods would be sick.


    What is your favorite aspect of RIOT?

    Literally any and every new object in the map. Seeing Financial set up in this way makes the game too damn cool to play. If anything, I would say add more barricades, towers and outposts to the hot spots located in the middle of the map. The intersection just north of Double B is a great example of a location that needs more cover. It felt too empty. Make it more like the entrances to Dark Zones in the Division, or Baylan FC, more crates and stuff to use as cover and terrain to traverse. Oh, and maybe make some of the barricades that line the roads vault-able. Maybe just add some existing fences between every ten or fifteen barricades so that we don't have to run all the way around them.


    What about RIOT do you like the least?

    I absolutely hate that there are spawned drops which offer Primaries, Secondaries, and Extra Lives, AND pop ups to buy them which appears almost randomly unless you just pocketed enough money for something. Either get rid of the popups and either create an accessible buy menu that we can toggle, OR make those drops the only way to buy that stuff. You could move some Joker Ammo Vending Machines around and use those as kiosks for purchasing your upgrades. I don't like that there are two ways to acquire the upgrades, and neither feel reliable.



    I really feel like this could be a decent BR, especially because of how much customization would play a role in player branding. At the same time, I would really hate for RIOT to be a BR. If anything, I want it to at least be an innovation to the genre, not a trend chaser. So please put your best thinking caps on and really consider where to go with this, because this might just make or break the future of APB. This game has been loved and ridiculed into the dirt. I would hate for this to really drive it further down because it lacked innovation.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kewlin said:


    I love your story: it does a really cool job of describing a character's backstory and transformation in such a short piece. Thanks so much for reposting and even rewriting your story!


    As a minor note though, I would like to note that you accidentally wrote "Gretsy" instead of "Gresty," unless Gretsy is supposed to be a different place from Gresty.

    Good catch, thanks dude. I made the same typo four times lol

    • Like 1

  3. Character Name: Soothsayer



    Story Title: The Ghost of Gresty (rewrote it because why tf not)


    Additional information



    Faction: Criminal

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 165

    Hair Color: Dyed White (originally black)

    Eye Color: White Contacts (originally brown)

    Race: Latino

    +Additional optional information

    Led a small gang in the early years of the CSA

    (Occasionally) won't kill someone if they don't have a fighting chance

    Likes muscle cars, Double B, and murder (not necessarily in that order)






    It starts with a young man. We’ll call him “Cal”.


    Cal was a good kid. He was smart, even when he wasn’t trying to be. The kid had potential. He came from a working class family that taught him all the right ways to be a decent person growing up: be honest, be respectful, be just. He was on the straight and narrow.


    Cal’s father was a cop before the CSA hit the streets. A real “by-the-books” character with a heart of gold type. He worked hard to protect his family, and even harder to put Cal through college preparatory school so his future wouldn’t be working on the Gresty streets for the rest of his life. Maybe a nice place up north, away from liquor stores and thugs. Some place safe,  without neon signs or caution tape to guide his way down the sidewalk.


    Things began to change when Derren took office. Cal’s dad began to talk about a shift in personalities on the force. Men and women he had locked up over his 15 years of service were suddenly handed badges and “swearing oaths” to protect their fellow lawmen. It was dangerous times. He feels a storm coming. Dad turns to religion. Hopes someone out there might protect him and his family from the evils of the wicked city. Prayers before he goes to work, prayers before he goes to sleep. Dad says God is out there listening to him, answering his prayers. Cal believes him, or at least he wants to. Maybe god doesn't want to talk. Or maybe he's the wrong god.


    Winter of 2009. That’s when it all comes to a head.

    It starts with a crash. There's a ruckus going on at the front door. Dad goes to check it out. Leaves Cal to protect his mother. Soon enough there’s a struggle going on down the hall, but that isn’t what Cal is worried about. A brick shatters the window of the room he’s holed up in and catches Cal in the eye. He feels a surge of pain and heat as his face splits from forehead to cheek. Shots ring out from down the hall. Screams of pain and shock. Shadows flood the room, too many to make out, and hauling his dad in tow. Cal only sees what little he can, yet what it mattered most: badges and colors, representing all kinds of gangs and organizations in this room. His dad bleeds from a wound to the side, praying for help from anyone who’d listen.


    “Pray harder, puto. Maybe there's a god out there who will listen,” a badged woman in the front mutters through her bandana. They proceed to beat Cal senseless while his parents watch in pain and horror. Then Cal watches helplessly as the mob assault and stabs his mom like a vicious pack of animals. They must have noticed Dad on his last few breaths. They waste no time pouring the gas out on him, they take pleasure in setting him ablaze.


    They leave Cal to burn alive amidst the blood of his mother and the cries of his father.


    Cal's last thoughts were a torrent of pain, anger, grief and above all else, prayer. He prayed that perhaps a different god might help him. He bartered his last few breaths for a chance to get back at the people who killed everything he knew.


    But he never got the chance to see if his prayers were answered.


    Cal died on the floor that night. He was a good kid. Smart, even when he wasn’t trying to be.


    Whoever woke up in the hospital two weeks later wasn’t Cal. Cal didn’t have scars. Cal didn’t feel rage, he didn't harbor any bad intentions or think horrid thoughts. Cal wasn’t cold or heartless or hateful. Cal was a decent person: honest, respectful…. just.


    This person didn't answer to that name. He didn't know a Cal.


    Cal would never harm another person. Cal would never stab a doctor during a routine check up, or bolt out of a hospital with someone else's blood on his lips. Cal wouldn't steal a car, hold up a liquor store, attack without provocation or end several small gangs and corrupted cops in the inner Gresty area in the largest four night bloodbath to ever be stricken from the San Paro papers.


    But this person would. He would do all of it again if he had the chance to.


    The investigation wasn't particularly deep. They knew the gangs involved in the killings, same ones said to have murdered Cal's family just months ago. They knew about the runaway survivor with severe mental trauma linked to the events. They knew his last remaining family fled the city, their friends had jumped ship, died or helped murder the family. They knew everything except how to find him. So the killing continued. The streets ran red, the skies turned to ash and the sirens never seemed to stop. The borough was a both battlefield and a mass grave.


    After a while people caught word of the person responsible. Called himself some bullshoot like a "prophet of death". A soothsayer of souls. Citizens didn't seem to believe there was a maniac prowling the streets at night. Or at least they didn't want to provoke him. But the ones who did believe in the stories mocked him. They don't believe ghost stories.


    A little warning for the non-believers.


    If you see a shadow on the wall, or hear a noise that seems out of place. Run.


    Fear the eyes that bore holes into your soul. Pray you don't see the mask of death.


    Phantoms may not be real.


    But beware the Ghost of Gresty.



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