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Posts posted by DedGaem

  1. Were on Russia's Innova server. 


    Way more affordable cheaper guns and car kits... in-game GM's who actually spectated the game and kicked caught cheaters on the fly... proprietary Frost anticheat that only a few hackers could bypass... and literally 25 full open districts to choose from... it was the very best iteration of the game... sadly neither GM nor LO could implement what needed to be done to actually make for a PLAYABLE game experience that attracted new and old players alike.

    Now that EU is officially acknowledged to be dead... and now that LO is virtually bankrupt... I doubt they would have the capability or inclination to implement the POLICIING and MODERATION it takes (other than hysterical WOKE bans) to make the game VIABLE and revive it. Y'all just don't get the game you purchased... neither does it seem you ever gave a crap about it.

    • Like 2

  2. On 1/15/2022 at 7:39 AM, glaciers said:

    i miss when goodbye posts were against the rules

    I miss when Tiggs was flaming banned cheaters who were crying on forums and begging to be unbanned... it was the golden age of APB drama... that and FFbans,,, what a forum!~ Alas, all the snowflakes melted and LO killed the game.

    • Like 6

  3. Sad... it shows that LO has no proper judgment, no adequate cash to successfully develop or run a game (obviously) and probably no developer studio... and is just a BIG FAT LIE of a company that promised the moon and delivered a turd.  Since LO bought the game they did nothing but let it rot and die. Seriously, for all the hate, under Tiggs and G1 at least there WAS a gameplaying population... and a functional anticheat. BLEH BLEH BLEH no anticheat killed APB. Thanks LO you deserve to go bankrupt.  The decisions you made were atrocious.

    • Like 2

  4. On 10/25/2021 at 8:48 AM, Reprimand said:

    Some of you spent months begging for threat to be removed on districts and now you've got it you're still dissatisfied? 


    Like you've even said you don't play the game anymore, you don't like it and you don't like LO or Matt Scott so why are you still here clogging up the forums and harassing staff? 


    It's not his first APB was left to the wind by Gamersfirst. Determining the worth of a game by its number of players is stupid too, lots of games have large playerbases which suck through and through, having a small dedicated plethora of people is better than nothing. 


    The updates are coming and I'm sure everyone is aware of what the problems are. Coding a game this old is not simple. 

    Threat Segregation was the beginning of ruin for APB under G1... That said... it was when there were 20 other districts to swap too if I wanted to avoid sketchy players. Of course when thousands of players are removed from the game and only 2 threat districts existed... the hardass cheat crew tended to play more hardcore on silver districts and bronze remained... albeit trolled by dethreated golds, a more chill district.  I mean... no threat districts when there's only 40-80 people playing just means destruction of what's left of new or casual players.

    Once upon a time, when there was an actual playerbase... threat segregation put a target on the backs of new/casual players by segregating them into a colored district... and that WAS a terribad idea that the incompetent G1 devs were unable to revert. But now... removing threat is a terribad idea because there's nowhere for new/casual players to play. Everything LO has done, was listen to the hardest core, most edgey, unbanned cheaters, and WTFPWN golds... and implement ruinous decisions that cost thousands of players when so many thousands were already lost when they bought the game.  What LO never did was learn WTF they were doing... or why the population asked for changes...

    Imagine waiting 2 years to implement Threat district removal... and thinking it will somehow be what people want/need, so long after the game is fundamentally wrecked and population has fled... and the POINT of opening the districts to stop Golds from WTFPWNing new/casuals was gone since hardly any of them are even left playing... and logging into a district means nearly everyone is a hardass Gold and doesn't want anything to do with you... and you have nowhere to even find similarly lower skilled players to play with.  It's just so poorly implemented and reflects such a shitty lack of knowledge of the condition of the game... that it's extermination mode... as if LO wants the game to die even faster.

  5. Engine upgrade was much desired, but it was never the be-all-end-all of the game.  What the game needed most of all, was what made Innova such a high population success in comparison... actual GM in-game spectators and support who could by mere presence alone cut down on toxic, abusive or harassment or cheating behavior... because they had the tools and know-how to kick to the curb those people.  Since G1, and now LO this game has always had GM figureheads, in name only, utterly clueless, talking rated "G" shop with players in district with toxic, abusive chat blazing around them, players ghosting out of mission to block objectives helping their friends... in FRONT of GMs. APB never had a professional quality staff... with the one exception of Tiggs... and the reason she is so universally reviled by this community is precisely because she DID kick to the curb the cheaters and abusive toxics...

    After LO came in, listening to the abusive toxics and their fan clubs... the undid every advance Tiggs brought to the game (with the exception of FF becoming a manual ban and therefore anyone could get banned)... but the advances Tiggs brought to the game was an attempt to make a more even playing field, if only G1 had helped by rerolling their stupid ruinous Threat Segregation patch...

    But now... after so much unnecessary attrition for so long... because bronzes were placed as a special target in districts that bullies could dethreat into, unrestricted, permanently, to WTFPawn and exterminate the new and casual playerbase... NOW you cry that it's a dead game... and you killed it... and you cheered all the bad decisions that allowed it to be killed... and nothing.... not even an engine upgrade can bring it back... because a GAME in order to have any sort of competitiveness or appeal has to have a level and fair playing field.  Original RTW did this within the code, to give actual bronze players more numbers in compensation versus a stellar high gold.  Consequently, threats didn't have to be segregated.  

    The ONLY thing that would save this game now... is something which LO probably can't do because the source code no longer exists... but... Restart original RTW APB, like G1 did... and invest in the 2 things most needed to keep the game fair... the great success that Innova had... 1. In-game GMS who can spectate for cheaters, and 2. a good working anticheat.

    The shame of it all is that LO got on board attracting BACK the cheaters... once they actually put in place a working anticheat, years after the illicit players exterminated the legits... when the cheaters and macroers get kicked... there's no one left to play. 

    • Like 4

  6. On 7/29/2020 at 1:00 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Well yeah...one went bankrupt, the other is still going.


    Removed quote.    - Azukii


    RTW went bankrupt. G1 had it and ran it fairly well for a few years and as it aged it really declined.  LO bought it in nosedive... and that nosedive continues unabated... why?  Well consider this simple fact... they restore threat segregation, but implement nothing at all to prevent the high silver/gold playerbase from WTFpwning the newbs and the lower skilled players.  End result?  More population loss.  It's still going, but hardly a shadow of it's former self... and there is no way back.  For one thing, the toxic trolls like you guys dominate what's left of the playerbase and forums... newsflash... your vision for this game is shit. Your attitudes are shit.  The way you treat lower-than-gold players is shit.  Tiggs hands down had a better vision than either of you.  LO is hard fkin fail, because they listened to people like you.

  7. On 7/24/2020 at 5:48 PM, CookiePuss said:

    I hope your response is as sarcastic as the person's you quoted.


    Also, the vid thumbnail you have as your pfp is for APB, not APB: Reloaded.


    Does it matter?  I mean no matter how you slice it, cry about it, cheerlead LO or trash G1 or Tiggs... APB RELOADED is still a dead fkin game. Watch the vid... RTW APB becomes RELOADED under G1 by 12:20 of the video to which this thumbnail is taken.


  8. On 7/20/2020 at 6:32 PM, ViolaDeWynter said:

    I miss Tiggs. Since she left, forums are just boring. Back then everything was better anyways.

    I miss Tiggs too.  She had firesales and really tried to kick the cheaters.  Some of the best times in APB were FF announcements and that FF flames forum. LO bought the game and just had no idea and simply listened to the toxic-cheater core about how not to intervene and what hacked anticheat to use and why to unban and allow unbans to keep their oftentimes stolen or ripped off legendaries... it was this toxic-cheater core who inherited their dream vision of APB... and thus killed what was left of the playing playerbase who always needed fairness and protection from mass predation. BTW I was "summoned" by forum mods that the name I had on this forum for some 7 years was not appropriate... so I made a new forum name, vastly more appropriate. LO's priorities are ridiculous at this point.

    • Like 2

  9. 12 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    you really sound racist the way you behave about them.

    American is multicultural and has every race in the world.  To the best of my knowledge, both Russian and Brazilian are ethnic countries, and not a "race."


    unmaterialized false promises huh..... switched anti cheats to the best in the industry 

    You are beyond deluded.

    • Like 1

  10. 21 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    by no means am i claiming anyone is perfect so don't dodge please

    game was always broken.... and g1 broke it much more . as for Little Orbit , show me where they broke the coding more because all I've seen from you is saying  " it's all Little Orbits fault"

    1. Massive cheater unban, 2. Opened servers to Brazilians, 3. Opened servers to Russians. 4. Implemented an old, known bypassed anticheat which a few years earlier was fine... but by the time "LO" implemented it, was trash... and coincided with the mass unbanning... and cheats were allowed to keep their legendaries... some in district had 20 to sell.  After that, they did fk all with "gun balancing" HEY try nerfing the damn URSUS, but w/e... then failure RIOT... then working on some console version... OH YEAH Little Orbit's been great for the game!  They can't wreck the code because they don't even have a real staff... how long does it take for them to read support tickets?  When was the last time a GM was actually in district helping stop ghosters, mission blockers, suspicious players, toxics?  You're right... they AREN'T THERE... game has become abandonware under LO. Get off their nuts, they haven't done anything to deserve praise other than "create hope" with unmaterialized false promises... and the game 10x worse off than when they acquired it population-wise.

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  11. He is right.  There is zero in-game moderation, no GMs spectating for shenanigans and the anticheat isn't updated, has been bypassed for years and isn't working properly which is a huge reason for the population nosedive... but HEY... Little Orbit is writing us monthly updates /cheer

    • Thanks 1

  12. 18 hours ago, Rehtaelle said:

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. A rookie district would showcase how low the player count really is, even if it would make the game more appealing. 

    That's why dethreaters should be allowed, only the tryhardism and WTFPwning of the lower skilled and new population should get auto-kicked once attaining gold threat level in the district, since... allowing them to insta gold and grief the living crap out of the bronze district is the WORST game MIS-management model in any game at any time in gaming history.  Grats Little Orbit!  You win the STINK Award!~  But I doubt they even notice how deteriorated their game has become, let alone why.

  13. 14 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    and here i had a post to make light of the subject to say how useless facts do not equal relevant truth

    well whatever ill go with pissing people off then....


    So what.... your point is they've been here 2 years and that you wanted the easy button?

    you gripe and gripe and I do not recall you ever giving them  credit for working hard trying their best on a mess that they were not even told the full truth on.

    You deliberately slammed my post about LO owning APB for 2 years as "bs" and demanded proof.  I gave proof and now you post some weaselly reply about me wanting things "easy."  Dude go read LO's earlier posts about how the Engine Upgrade was upcoming SOON... and then faded away into the RIOT fiasco.  2 years is not SOON... and by the looks of the abandoned state of the dying game... doubt we will see anything in 2 more years, except closure.

  14. On 3/3/2020 at 2:23 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Play daily, have for years. Nearly 6,000 hours.

    At least on Jericho I can't even remember the last Chester I saw.


    If someone says there are cheaters in bronze, I'm going to throw up.

    It was in bronze district, Jericho that I saw the guy speedhacking and outrunning cars just about a week ago. Haven't seen him since... but definitely did see him.  Daily on citadel I encounter at least 1 wallhack, maybe 2, and a whole lost of suspicious cheka blyat.  Cheaters cheat because they like to rickroll their opposition.  They don't care if they are playing silver or bronze... most likely silver district gives them challenges they don't like.  Could be, since a lot of the really suspicious guys are low levels... are just throwaay alt accounts... their new rank puts them in a low threat lvl district to begin.  But they are there... a whole lot more than should be making the game seem like abandonware.

    On 3/3/2020 at 12:55 AM, Nabiki said:

    ^^ I do agree they are rare, but they still happen.

    Yeah, and in a tiny population pool, everybody encounters them... repeatedly.

    On 3/2/2020 at 11:17 PM, xXD4v1dXx said:

    Lmfao seems like once a week we get a post like this smh. Plz just shush and wait like the rest of us. You're literally contributing in no way whats so ever and just adding to the junk posts in forum my guy. At least be happy their sharing what ever they can with us on the Engine progression.

    It's already been 2 years.  Kicking up my feet and preparing to wait 2 more.

  15. 15 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    LO isnt, the old G1 is responsible for this issue as this started from threat segregation in which golds were forced into gold districts and couldnt play elsewhere. Thats where dethreating started and since then the issue of golds in bronze crushing newbies has been driving new players away. It was years that this was going on under Tiggs and G1 and they didnt do anything about it. LO inherited this problem along with all other problems in the game. While yes this should have been handled already it hasnt been and it prob wont be till after the engine upgrade.

    I was there through it all, don't lecture me about it.  Little Orbit has had this game for 2 years and done nothing.  They removed Threat segregation, only to re-implement it in the exact same broken state.  They say they can't do the Unreal engine 4 upgrade.  They say they are working on the Unreal engine 3.5 update but it's hard and taking years longer than anticipated... meanwhile they are working on console versions and RIOT.... but still doing fkall for matchmaking, threat desegregation or implementing even simple fixes like auto-kick once a player achieves gold threat in the bronze district.

    A LOT of people played when G1 owned it... and there were problems, an G1 did all kinds of things trying to solve them... moving from STRICT threat districts where golds couldn't play anywhere to the version we have now.  As LO did a mass unbanning... and then brought over Brazilian and Russian servers... and Engine Upgrade didn't happen... the playerbase took a toilet circling nosedive never before seen in APB history... an that's something even worse than Tigg's banning thousands in the name of Fairfight.

    I assure you, if "LO" doesn't "HANDLE IT" soon... there won't be a playerbase around for the most unlikely "Engine Upgrade."

    5 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    I wonder sometimes if i would be a good idea to have threat segregated forums.

    Yeah cos having actual feedback from the playerbase most poorly impacted by a poorly implemented, much exploited threat system is going to REALLY bring about the insight and change required to FIX problems impacting the majority of the playerbase who are hemorrhaging away.




    In truth, a long time ago threat distinction should have been hidden.  It's done nothing but divisively break apart the playerbase and encourage the kinds of abuses... trash talking, put downs, tking, provoking by tk to give the guy a demerit so he can be kicked from teams... and created a subculture so toxic, it exploits every conceivable thing... from solid gold premades... rolling in bronze threat district hunting op that has no chance... to fools routinely grouping alt cheat accounts... to having "friends" ghost harass the op outside of missions...

    That what APB lost, a long time ago was a team that could give a guy a chance... and not be so hard focused on losing threat, and losing face before such a highly prejudicial community... and therefore provoking the kind of silver-bronze-green-trainee stomping tryhardism which played relentlessly, daily, for the express purpose of "destroying" the opposition.  One streamer who I can't name... was openly bragging in district how daily he makes at least 5 players rage quit their mission.  This guy, this gold, this "pro" was playing in bronze threat district.

    A long time ago threat should have been hidden, and players judged by their performance.  I'm not saying the worst abuses would magically go away... but maybe the culture of silver bashing and trashing, denigrating and humiliating... what amounts to the MAJORITY of the now gone playerbase... maybe it mattered to intervene and try to fix what was so broken.

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  16. Reimplementing a Bronze threat segregation district whilst doing nothing whatsoever for auto-kicking players who attained gold level in the district, simply allowed griefing tryhards to exterminate the bit of goodwill which opening the Bronze District accomplished... by exterminating the new players we tried to invite to the game and pissing off oldtimers with just more shenanigans... you know, the undetected cheats, the horribad matchmaking, and now concentrating ultima tryahards onto silver, and griefing tryhards onto bronze.

    Back in the day when I was new to this game on old Colby... it had a different scoring and threat system, so that tryhardism as we know it today wasn't as big of an issue, and people could afford to lose a few matches without losing their threat, and so took time to coach actual newbies,,, and the newbie armies of REAL bronzes... not throwaway alt accounts of raging cheatbots... would enjoy the chance to match an authentic, pro skilled gold player.

    I donno if the game could ever be recovered... but for a fact, abandoning it entirely, no in-game Gms, no insight into what the game needs to survive... is just APB circling the toilet before the final flush. 

  17. 2 hours ago, zekter said:

    Keep falling for their baits with detected pasted shit lmao. Perhaps you should try buying it so you can get your dumb patootie scammed, cuz that's what you seem to want.

    I've never cheated in any game.  Don't see any enjoyment with a bot playing for me.  That said there have been quite a few not so legitimate players on Citadel... playing exactly like the videos of ragebots.  Are they Ru scammers?  Probably.  My point was never to advertize the hacks, but complain that hacks exist and we don't have an adequate detection method... neither do we have GMs with training helping monitor the current state of the game.  It makes no difference to the game if players use privately coded hacks and scam others (*non-Russians cough) or not when a couple hardcore cheaters are in a tiny couple of districts.




    1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    so youtube videos are creditable and not scammers ?

    so cheat makers would want to openly advertise so that anti cheat makers can then get a copy to shut them down ?


    doesnt make much sense to me but whatever

    If the Youtube videos are displaying what people can experience in-game versus some of these guys... I don't see why it isn't "creditable."  Whether or not these are Ru scammers to the rest of the playerbase doesn't matter much.  It's pretty clear undetected hacks are out there, and being shared among a tight knit group of friends.  It's also clear they aren't being detected... at all... since months now.


    so cheat makers would want to openly advertise

    They've never been secret.


    so that anti cheat makers can then get a copy to shut them down ?

    Never once seen a copyright strike against hackmakers... and that's from big, wealthy, reputable gaming companies... let alone a fly-by-night tiny outfit like Little Orbit.  There's been videos of cheats for a number of games advertized on Youtube for years... what's your point exactly? The only thing that's hidden are the irl names of persons who buy them, and some hidden hack site forums where they discuss things like how to gaslight the playerbase into not making hackusations.

  18. 1 hour ago, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

    ur silver you wouldnt really understand what to look for when vsing cheaters.

    My posts that offer any proof keep getting deleted.  But the fact that there are several blatant ragebot cheaters selling cheats who make Youtube videos about it showing everything off... kinda shows that either you cheat, you support the network of cheats, or your effing clueless. And for the Mods on this forum telling ME I need to provide proof (which is so abundantly obvious and available on an internet search) that I have to contact support... let me state plainly...


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  19. 8 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Sounds like a lesson in why you shouldn't hackusate.

    Except for quite a few are blatantly ragebotting... and our options are useless report system in which no staff exists to read... quit out and play something else... or at least hackusate the guy in hopes he turns his settings down.


    Can't link it because he has links uknow, let's not fool ourselves but.... absent GMs, absent management and old, easily bypassed anticheat, no one has to record since cheaters record themselves... probably earning more money than Little Orbit.

    Snipped directions to cheat ~@mayii

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  20. 1 hour ago, Monolillity said:

    Mr. Matt you probably won't even read this but with this low of a population you stand out not using any gaming assistance. Not that anyone really cares right? I do hope you will have more time to consider some tweaks in your detection after the EU. Thanks again for keeping APB here. That's the most important thing after all. Screw these noobs that can't even properly closet.

    Closet?  I've seen more hardcore blatants esp on Citadel than I have since the original implementation of FairFight and it's initial mass banwave.  These guys are speedhacking, wallhacking, triggerbotting... and if you call them out they say things like... "Do you see any GM?  I don't /cry."

  21. 9 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    Pop is at an all time low we all know that. While LO is not making changes to the game till the new engine we as a community can make changes now and maby that could bring some ppl back.

    There is no excuse for LO to simply re-implement Threat Segregation and NOT auto-Kick once attaining "gold" play level on Bronze District.  Single-handedly this has devastated the lesser skilled/casual playerbase who quit after being hardcore shut down and unable to achieve anything in missions versus tryhard griefers.  LO single-handedly is RESPONSIBLE for this toilet circling state of the dying game.  And only THEY can implement a working solution to prevent game death via population attrition... but they utter not a peep... because they do not give a crap... or are so utterly clueless.

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