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Posts posted by DragonKnight

  1. 20 hours ago, blockblack said:

    1. What to do when you are running in the open with no cover and an enemy that has a good cover starts shooting at you

    2. What to do when 2 Enemies shoot at you from opposite directions

    3. What to do when you are in a 2v1 fight against strong enemies and not enough players in server to call backup

    4. What to do when people camp very good areas and you can't kill them because it has only one entrance

    5. What to do when both your primary and secondary run out of ammo in combat

    6. What to do when enemies run away with capture objective and all of your team can't drive

    That's it, Tell me answers for these 6 Questions.

    1. zig zag while moving the camera to desync as much as possible while trying to find cover. Oooor throw a long distance lowyeld/conc and fire back... all depends the situation.


    2. Try to get cover, get in a car or do as much damage before die as possible.


    3. Depends on the mood... or let them win or try to kill them as much as possible.


    4. Best is coordinate attack with your team. Firelaunch, opgl, low yields spam, entrance with car and use remote... camping that way is actually bad.


    5. Get ammo in the quickest available form. If time is short, or suicide or get a car or ask a team for ammo/tk.


    6. Depends on how bad ur teams are... sometimes they are silvers and thats it, you lost. They wont even listen instructions. If they are gold + you can actually try to get the guys in a nice and fun  persuit with your team firing from the cars window.


    Easy questions.

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