Is this level ever going to be visited again after the first mission? It seems a bit bare if that's the case, and possibly so even if it's not.
Pardon the inescapable comparison to Unsung Story's spiritual predecessors, but Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics both had comparable early levels in The Gates of Almorica and Orbonne Monastery, respectively, featuring a fairly even, central thoroughfare flanked by somewhat rougher terrain. I feel like this map would benefit from floating islands off to the sides providing an alternate route around the bridge and providing an opportunity for units to hop over the gaps, something which I've always found strangely gratifying in Tactics games.
In the event of the map being reused for a later mission or perhaps a skirmish or challenge map of some sort, islands off to the sides could serve as alternate deployment areas, providing a different take on the map's features as the bridge which once allowed passage from one island to another now serves as a wall blocking direct access to your opponents.
Of course, this is still concept art so I'm sure it's not all final, but those are just my thoughts on what's been presented so far.