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Posts posted by W1LL0W

  1. 7 hours ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:

    When Reloaded did the merge, they went by which characters were active in the last month, not who created the character first or which character had the longest hours played. Most likely someone on another server used that name and signed in once during that time period. Even on my storage account I had two characters with the same name. The one that was created first and played the longest was the one that was required to get a name change.

    Well this sucks if it's true, cause I was banned a little before the merge...not sure how many months i was inactive because of it, but I would have logged in to reserve my names if u could have.

  2. @necromancer66

    That's different. My character's were joker/colby characters. someone else must've shared my name on the opposing colby/joker servers. But ppl already answered my question anyways...

    So I lost my names and will have to rename when I login.


    Either way, I hope LO waits a couple weeks at least before wiping the old names....cause a lot of the pre-merge people still are dealing with the support ticket processes.

  3. Thanks!
    Cause I had the name "kitty" which is pretty rare...but now it's got the string on it.

    Also kinda wondering about my PurpleCat gun being given out in joker boxes in Nekrova....since I won that in a contest and they changed the info about it on the apbdb....that's my gun...

    But I'll file a ticket for it when I get back from vacation I guess. :3

  4. 4 hours ago, Poperon said:

    So W1ll0W, did this main character of yours get unbanned? Please, say YES 🤗:classic_laugh:

    Yes it did, however I am on vacation and can't currently log in until I get home next week....

    And my character "kitty", along with all y other chars, are appearing as merged to Jericho, but with a long string of random numbers/letters attached to them...which sucks.


    @lixil why do several of my character's now have strings of numbers/letters attached to them???

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