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Posts posted by Ydiss

  1. 12 hours ago, SillyBear said:

    God what a bunch of unnecessary blablery.


    It doesn't matter much the game, you need to make it appealing in order to be succesful. There are plenty of points to be made but i dont want to type more because it would be a lot and i would skip stuff (not really brilliant mind here)... and a waste of time and effort. Just look for anyone to tell you what went wrong with apb step by step, it wont be me.


    That you are and old player is pointless because the game changed. Bringing back stuff you enjoyed back then probably wont be a good idea bringing back today because people is ussed to this gamestyle, and it can probably open a new wound to bleed more players lol ("more").


    Stop forcing your nonsense. I don't want to type book for you, i don't want to investigate for you, don't derail the fucking discussion with outdated gameplay and other games, no one cares.



    A lot of anger, you have, young padawan. No idea how you're reading any of this from what you've quoted. "Bringing back stuff you liked"... Not once was that asked for. 


    I might have to Ydiss translate for you. 


    "RTW started badly. G1 didn't do enough to fix it,took too long to do what they did do. G1 made some questionable design decisions. Game got really boring after a while. Despite this, game is good fun still. Better than it used to be." 


    But it's really not that tough to understand. 

    • Thanks 1

  2. 9 hours ago, Sakurachan said:

    i don't think you understood the implication behind my message nor the RTW interface directly below it. good job.

    I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and guessing he knew this but was just being facetious. 


    PS I vaguely remember you from the RTW forum days. Vaguely. It's almost 10 years ago now. 

  3. I agree somewhat with SillyBear, though also agree that the game's current design is not incredibly suitable for totally new players. But we're talking about a new game mode here, not mission district progression. 


    In the context of RIOT, if it's supposed to pull in new players, there really does need to be a distinctly different approach. You won't achieve that if, on day one, you allow players to start with all of their perks and new players have nothing. 


    If riot is supposed to pull new players in, whatever progression curve it has (and it can have one, though I'm not convinced it needs one but these days I guess every game does, you know, attenton span), it must start off the same for everyone. Ie when it's launched, everyone is the same. Otherwise new players won't be interested at all. 


  4. This is a rough translation when the text is run through Ydiss translator:


    "There is no hope for this game. Will RIOT save it? No? But I am pleased because it means I don't have to keep playing just to be gold threat cannon fodder. I will never play again whilst you [gold players] are playing, you hold no power over me. You are all cheaters and liars. You may claim you are not but even if you do admit it, it'll be just the same as the past several years [no change]. That is if the game even lasts as long as it'll take for you to admit it. 


    The only reason I'm still here is to enjoy your suffering. I wonder why you stay when you suffer so much. But suffering is a good teacher. I have never suffered without learning something from it. 


    But go figure. When the suffering is about something as common as playing a game, you neither gain nor lose anything for that matter."



    • Thanks 2

  5. Well, that's embarrassing.


    Matt got back to me and helped me "remember" that I'd used another email address to set up my original account way back. So it's this one. Hi again everyone.


    I even have 325G1C on the account haha. Bonus.


    Played again last night for an hour or so on my new character. Again, had fun. Even popped my head into a silver district when the bronze Financial got too quiet. Faced some tough gold groups that seemed pretty good (seemed everyone was gold, but I expected that after reading here); lost a couple (I got beaten hard in one) and won a couple (mostly 2v2s). So it seems there's still a nice spread of skill ranges playing, which is reassuring.


    Edit: 4.7k posts... Ouch. I guess I was pretty active.



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