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Posts posted by trismatic

  1. On 8/12/2018 at 1:25 AM, MrsHappyPenguin said:

    Triksterism's suggest provides less input lag, but if you don't want to mess with the Nvidia profiles you can do this:

    Open the BaseEngine.ini (APB Reloaded\Engine\Config).
    Find this line: "MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62"
    Change it to: "MaxSmoothedFrameRate=121". You can set this to almost any value under 145fps.
    In game, enable smooth frame rate. Your fps should now be capped to 121.

    I have had way smoother FPS since the last patch. I still get the stuttering from the garbage collection, but otherwise no complaints. I did notice that Dynamic Shadows have a small impact on fps when there's a lot of transparent objects in view, like when overlooking the park on Financial. You could try disabling them.

    Have you measured the input lag to make such a statement? Usually FPS limiters outside of the game are causing more input latency than inbuilt frame limiters, but of course this depends on how the inbuilt frame limiter itself works.

  2. On 7/27/2018 at 11:43 PM, illgot said:
    I'm not sure how it can be seemless.  I mean, you are driving around, about to ram your friend, then suddenly you guys load to what, the same location you were at in a different district?  I doubt this would be case because then NPC/PC vehicles or NPCs/PCs may also be in the same location causing countless bugs.

    More than likely you just load to the spawn screen as if you just died in a mission.  Now you are in the middle of a mission sans vehicle and at a disadvantage because you are being dropped with what ever load out you had on and have to steal a vehicle or run to the car spawner.

    Well, sure, NPCs disappear and appear, of course. That is a very small price to pay for getting more equal matches, more opposition as in different teams, faster opposition since the pool is larger... Honestly, I can't see any valid arguments why this system isn't superior to the one we have. I could even bet that this system could attract more players into the game and personally I see it as the biggest game changer this game has ever had even planned, including the engine upgrade itself.

    Also, issues like these can be easily worked out. Make the phasing players transparent for a while so no collision issues. District chat is rather pointless for many, mostly filled with garbage. Social is the district where you can socialize. Immersion is not taken out but made better since you actually match with equal players and the phasing procedure is quick and not happening every time a match begins. Even solo, you get more chances to play with equally skilled other solo players than put in a team with a random less skilled team. You could even make "friends" this way. Less frustration, more fun pew pewing.

  3. 3 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:
    Except for every single npc and player car on the road suddenly phasing in and out.
    True, but a not a big deal.
    3 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    When threat will get fixed we won't need cross district matchmaking. If not then meh APB becoming more generic won't hold me for long

    Threat system, while it has flaws, works decently enough but 40 players is just way too small a pool to pick players from. This system would fix people not getting opposed matches and make the matches more balanced.

  4. This would make the game much better and more fair. Dynamically moving teams to match the threats better, and eventually the district would have similarly skilled teams. Was this mentioned somewhere? I've been suggesting and hoping this for ages and I think it was discussed years ago too. Technically it doesn't have to "load" you if done correctly like in The Division. It changes the "server" on-the-fly without you noticing in any other way than enemies/players disappearing and appearing.

  5. 3 hours ago, Thial said:

    As I wrote in another thread. If you actually put some effort in and install the mouse fix you will instantly notice that your sensitivity will be twice as fast and that definitely means that APB still relies on what is set in BaseInput.ini therefore it's still working. Now the question is what's working and what's not. I've asked all of my friends who actively use it and somehow all of them including me say that there is a slight difference. Even people on the forum who still use it are using it because as some people said without it, the mouse input feels off. By default mouse smoothing is also enabled in BaseInput.ini even if you have it unchecked in the game. I know that you just can't wait to post another placebo comment but if the changes in BaseInput.ini actually affect the sensitivity then I wouldn't be surprised if acceleration and smoothing in that file also still affect the mouse input. And as I said multiple times I've tested the game with and without the fix and without the fix mouse input felt heavier, not sure if it's because of the acceleration or some internal smoothing is being applied, but after applying the fix the mouse input felt a lot more responsive. Just as if you started using raw input from csgo


    That is because you write "Speed=2.0". Literally the only variable that works. Mouse fix is not required and the in-game option fixes it. Speed=2.0 is not needed either and doesn't fix anything.

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  6. 5 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    the new one is mostly good except with not being able to give players choices AROUND the missions objective. if it gets that it would be quite fine.


    This would be stupid. The spawns shouldn't reward you by effectively teleporting you into a good position to flank your opponents. That's something you should do by yourself. Spawns should be somehow located on the opposite 180 degs of the mission objective.


    5 hours ago, Lord Cashpoint said:

    I think the new spawn system is probably an improvement over the old one. Being able to choose your spawn also gives you the ability to tell which direction you'll be approaching the objective from before you spawn. It's useful for planning. That being said there some major improvements I would like to see:

    • Introduce more spawn points, especially some which don't follow the strict rules about having to spawn on a road. Currently there are many areas (Southern Financial and Eastern Waterfront in particular) where roads are simply not laid out to support the 110m ideal distance. I'd love to see the ability to spawn on dirt roads or in alley-ways to ensure that there's always a spawn point an appropriate distance away. If nothing else, it would also cut down on instances where you spawn on a road only for an enemy vehicle to rock up instantly.
    • Attempt to put the opposing teams on opposite sides when it comes to spawning. Obviously we don't want entirely predictable spawns, but it is a bit silly when you can spawn at a 90 degree angle to an enemy on the same road.
    • Be far more strict when it comes to spawning players at map boundaries. Right now the system does not handle it very well, which is why you see players spawn behind each other in these areas. When it comes to map boundaries, the game will simply have to place teams at opposite ends.
    • Attempt to rotate player spawns during missions so that even if a mission objective is highly asymmetrical, both teams will have equal shares of poor spawn points. Many missions are determind by which team has easier access to a highway for example.
    • Possibly dial back the vehicle mod Mobile Spawn Point. I'd like to see the distance in which enemies can block the spawner be increased, as well as a radius around an objective in which they don't function. Mobile Spawn Point is currently very easy to use, but incredibly dangerous to ignore. (This is part of a wider issue to do with vehicles however).
    • Add the ability to que up spawn points via priority in case your preferred one becomes blocked or a previously blocked one becomes available.
    • Perhaps consider revamping Fight Club spawning entirely. Right now it is far too easy to run into an enemy spawn point and be completely overwhelmed instantly. From my memory Asylum worked better when you couldn't choose your spawns.

    These are just some of the aspects of the spawn system that need improving right now.


    I agree with this post.


    Granted, I haven't played in three years so my current knowledge about the car spawner mod is a bit old, however I never liked the aspect that if your enemy team has it, you have to have it as well. It's too powerful to ignore. It shouldn't give an obvious edge but be something that gives an unique way to be tactical. I remember disliking the fact that you can spawn into a moving car. Sometimes you might end up scoring a kill at the previous objective (which should be rewarded by that person reaching the next objective slower), yet the person spawned in a car in front of you driving towards the point. Needless to say, this should never happen.

  7. On 5/29/2018 at 1:47 PM, RitualLobotomy said:

    ...Of course, there is always that group of people that were possibly involved in foul activities but as a Criminal Justice major, I have to tell you that there is one important saying. It is better to have a hundred guilty people go free, than to have one innocent unfairly locked up. It is pretty much how situation is around here regarding bans... 


    ...Besides, it is not on the guilty to prove they did not do it, but on those accusing them to prove they did it instead. It's basic law and one of the basic rights in a situation where ones name is taken in negative context such as hacking, cheating, dethreating, etc. Even false accusations or errors in the banning system are damaging the player's reputation even if they truly did not do it, and we are looking to avoid that from now on...


    I like you.


    Sadly, the backlash is going to be huge, though. Some people were name-called so much... I don't see these name-callers suddenly accepting their own lack of skill and the hurt on their ego - or understanding the Dunning-Kruger effect. Much more likely scenario is that they will just end up calling BE a bad anti-cheat system. Sorry for the pessimistic problem borrowing from the future, maybe it's different this time.

  8. 2 hours ago, Thial said:

    And how exactly was it fixed since if you check the default BaseInput.ini all the acceleration is still there by default ?


    Default values:



    Bindings=(Name="LookUp",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=+25.0 AbsoluteAxis=100")
    Bindings=(Name="LookDown",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=-25.0 AbsoluteAxis=100")

    Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX")
    Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY")


    The only variable that does something is Speed=, everything else is useless. Even that does what it say it does - alters the scaling factor. The in-game option disables mouse smoothing. This fix isn't needed.

  9. The game wouldn't lose anything if collision was taken off when an opposed mission starts. It would do both, prevent deliberate griefing and make this game a bit less annoying by removing a bit of the luck factor. So would removing the P5/N5 during an active mission.


    Thus, I vote for change and change it so that collision with players outside of the mission is disabled. Obviously keep collision on with the NPC cars and with the players in the mission.

  10. What if they introduce something like tokens to combat this, similarly how The Division deals with the gambling vendor? You get keys by playing, albeit very slowly. One could use these tokens to buy Joker boxes, thus have a chance to actually get the same equipment by playing a ton. Maybe even allow the use of the in-game currency to buy those tokens?

    Alternatively, change legendaries so that they do not differ by stats but by look or other factors like customized kill weapon image, customizable name etc. Something to keep the prestige factor to get people to still buy them which might be a hard task. I agree with you though, it can't go the way he mentioned without changes to the gear or the system.

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