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Posts posted by IRy4nI

  1. It just simply baffles me that it could go unanswered for a month. Through out I did poke and bump it. Multiple times. Eitherway. Suppose I've got to tag two support tickets into one.



    Thanks for the poke.

  2. Not sure if this is human error. Or just stupidity. But I still have not gotten an awnser on my support. Which I made weeks ago. Are you guys planning on doing something? Or should I just consider to be my paid sh*t to just be lost to incompetence.



  3. 4 hours ago, ChrisKrypton said:



    Come on guys, I know the server has been a pain lateley but were talking just the shop items between a certain time period with a very limited player base which does'nt constitute a massive slog of support tickets for this matter. I would bet that these tickets can probably be sorted in an afternoon or less, read the ticket, confirm the purchase, reimburse the items whether through credits or throwing the items in the mail.


    It's not fair to your players ...........


    Not important enough it seems. We'll have to wait a week more or less. At least as I'd suspect.



    And seems like loss of money and contribution gets dislikes. That's quite surreal.


    First and last time buying something from here though, lol.

  4. Hey ugh. Does support even work for anyone? I've got two tickets up and NO ONE has replied so far for 7 days. My mail is even poking me that it's a inactive.


    I'd like to get someone on that. Though. I'm well aware theres more people needing support that purchased something. But still. That's horrible.

    And VERY frustrating.


    Fix your support. Jesus.

    • Like 1

  5. Sheesh imagine it was a wipe, That'd loose my interest entirely for this game. Especially the purchases i made.

    Would obviously rub me in the wrong way.

    Besides. So whats going on now? I wished there was more indepth detail on whats going on with the game.

    As its still saying there's no connection. Yes, i read the dev messages. But those are days old now from making this message now.

    Is it going to be available soon?




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