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Lots of Game ideas/corrections IMO

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First off let me get this out of the way. I know the game is being COMPLETELY recoded at this time and I can only PRAY TO GOD that optimization for consoles is involved in that update but, I don't expect these to actually make the game but if they do.. kudos. Stepping into a F2P game nowadays is the HARDEST genre to keep up in hands down. With Fortnite and Apex Legends taking over the gaming industry their games set VERY HIGH standards as people critique every move they make. Where APB struggles in this genre is the currency side. I'm not talking about the game.. I'm talking about REAL MONEY. The pay-to-play fad has really left the building about 5 years ago and this game is so disgustingly swamped in P2P I can't even keep a friend of mine on it for 5 minutes because someone with a ATAC Watchmen can't be stopped whatsoever. The nerfing on guns really needs to swoop in instantly after this new engine boot is started. Having a free to play game that requires you to pay over $60 every month dang near to keep up with everyone else's B.S when it comes to buying stuff off the market will leave you dry and low just like how this game has been for years. You NEED to reach out to MORE players but the economy of this game is so toxic it's almost not even fun to play. 



- Yes, you can have a SLIGHT advantage when it comes to paying real money for a gun but it should not effect gameplay as much as it does today. Someone that pays $25 for a fully modded Joker Carbine and an automatic pistol is damn near UNSTOPPABLE when people have a STAR and a basic pistol. Like I said above, keeping new players on this game it's harder than getting in contact with the president because of how unbalanced the system is.



- I don't have much to say about this hoping that Little Orbit is aware of the lag and constant crashing on console side of things. Hoping it's fixed with the new engine. As well as small map blemishes like random invisible objects you can hit if you are scraping against a smooth wall with your car. 



- In this game, team work is absolute key, truly. Having Apex and Fortnite revolutionizing the call-out system I think APB should look into a new system. I know the compass is around the map in the bottom right corner but in reality when you look in the bottom right corner, your peripheral vision cannot see anything if someone was to pop up in front of you. In conclusion to that.. take the compass and put it at the top of the screen such as Fortnite has it. It is very easy to read as well as still be aware of your surroundings. 



- Again, I hope this is fixed in the new engine but, things like driving cars and being able to jump over certain things should not be an issue. Driving cars in APB has always been one of the biggest downsides of the game because there is times where i'll be driving and barely hit something but come to a COMPLETE stop and then it takes 8 SECONDS to finally back up and another 6 SECONDS to accelerate forward. I think driving should be a little more responsive and a little more forgiving when it comes to crashing.. let alone the crashing noise with a car sounds like two boxes hitting each other. Also, pedestrians run pretty odd... they truly seem like robots because if you go to run into them they will glide the first 5 feet to get out of the way which isn't really ideal but its not a huge problem



- I don't even know what to say about the servers but I never thought anything could be worse than the Rockstar servers but APB definitely blows it out of the water.



- Please do not add any more over powered weapons to the game.. there is enough. Just work on nerfing the ones on the market already where people actually want to compete on the game instead on uninstalling it in the first hour because peoples guns are doing all the work opposed to the actual player. Lean towards the cosmetics side of things. Just add things people can buy to make their character look cooler than all the rest and work on animations. Things that cannot give an unfair advantage to new players just starting out.



- Regarding the map and compass I truly think that there could be a change in how the overlay is laid out on our screens. Possibly the map in the top left corner and the overlay of players on mission/in party and what not could be put in the bottom right? This would only again help players use their POV and stay in tact with action if any were to come across. 


With the game being completely recoded into a new engine and some minor fixes to gameplay, this game could really revolutionize the F2P world all over again. The overall idea of this game is great and very unique which makes it stand out a lot and makes it more fun to play only because no other game compares to APB. Now, I don't expect all these things to be fixed let alone ever be fixed. Little Orbit has a lot on their hands because whoever the hell coded it all before had no clue the potential of this game. This game is truly unique and fun and I PRAY TO GOD that Little Orbit can meet our expectations for all us veterans who have been playing forever. On the computer when i played it was so smooth but still had all the game issues and hacking issues which led me to stop playing PC but, I really do hope the game can evolve into what it should've been 4-5 years ago. 

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