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[GAME] An Excess of Arms

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Hi, been a long time player of the game, and over the years I have somehow gathered a large sum of stuff.  Most of which came from a time where G1 redid the Character Lifetime and Account Lifetime prices and grandfathered in a few players.  On some characters, I have duplicates of these lifetime guns collecting dust and cluttering up my Mailboxes since these mails never expire, some coming from the Account Lifetime changes, and some from Joker Boxes. 

Could we have a way to trade out these duplicate items in the inbox for a direct in-game cash value?  Could we have a way to send these duplicate items once directly to another player, turning the weapon non-tradable upon receiving?

I've held on to this excess of arms for so long, I'd like to see if there could be a solution to these kinds of things without just redeeming and deleting the duplicates of weapons I already have claimed on characters.

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