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Hunting Pumpkins, has anyone completed it this year?

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I found all the red in both district but am down to 6 in fin and 8 in water. The hint tells me there is a pumpkin in the area but the last few make no sound and my be inviable. I have stared throwing grenades at random areas and have seen 2 after they were destroyed,  until then they were not visible and no sound. 


Basically carpet bombing has netted me 2 while using 56 grenades.  There must be a better way.

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sorry I could not edit the first post to up date. I have found all of the red and purple pumpkins on finance. And all but the last one in Water. I took screen shots of the area. the depot is one area about 50'x50' on the east edge of the map so solid on the east. between to other solid areas and nothing within 75' but open space.  I have searched out to 150' and have got on top of the nearest building so have a clear view of the roof, nothing. 


It is sad that I can not complete this event due to a (glitch?) is there a way to reset the event?


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