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My opinion about Guns Balance

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Hello there ,


I would like to express my opinion about guns balance, after long time playing before the last balance you've done and after , i thought that some things could change and make the guns like they was back then .

We can't play with CSG for example in close quarter max 10m and need like 4-5 shots sometimes for someone to die , its shotgun always was powerful , without IR3 for me is absolutely garbage. 

HVR you try to kill someone , yes ok is sniper , have alot of damage but still not funny anymore takes thousands of second the sight to close and it's not even funny anymore . 


True Ogre this needs some buff 1000% , now its TOTALLY unplayable that means if you play at least with good players they know how to shoot , even with it you can't kill them because need a lot shots now to kill someone especially in distance after close to 10m (max) 


What i want to say is that at least some guns could be "broken" back then but were more funny to play like HVR quick scope , shotguns for me and some secondaries like RFP , many says that AP .45 needs nerf but what about buff RFP and in general more secondaries that aren't that good and playable now ? . 


Thanks, just an opinion !

Edited by PsyChoVSkiii
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