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More cross-faction gear when?

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LO, you're sitting on easy money here.


There are a good few car kits that are faction exclusive; The Bishadier Kissaki, V20 Pursuit Special, Packer Vengador, Charge Raptor, Espacio Bighorn, and the Pioneer Waragi (enfo) LAV are all ENFO exclusive, so as a crim I can't get them. Likewise as a crim I can get the Bishadier Mako Racing, V20 Nightrider, Packer Toreador, Charge Cheetah, Espacio Mammoth, And Pioneer Waragi (crim), but enforcers can't get these.


Likewise there are a few clothing packs that have been labelled as cross faction, but aren't really. The heavy duty pack share some items (Denim Jacket, Military Jumper, Reinforced Combats, Tactical Boots), the there are still faction exclusive items within each factions variant; Enfos get Hammerhead Helmet, Machinegunner Vest Config, Nanofiber Vest. Crims get Sabertooth Helmet, Machinegunner Chest Rig Config, and Ceramic Plated Vest. Another example is the Guerra Libero/Guerra Vigilum sets - they share some items (Cargo Capri Shorts, Cropped Hooded Jacket, Slim Padded Jacket), but other items aren't shared, named the Spray Cans Leg Configs and Grenades Chest Rig Config (both crim only), and the Utility Pouches and Grenades Vest Config (both enfo only). There are some other different items in this pack but they can be obtained from other cross faction packs (Tactical Urban Warfare and Paramilitary).


As a quick aside, on the cross-faction page on Armas there are the two Wargear bonus packs - I don't know if this is intentional, the criminal bonus pack has the stuff you get from the criminal Guerra Libero pack - so to say they're cross faction isn't really true. Same for the enfo equivalent. 

I don't know about other players but I would quite happily spend my money on some of these packs/items that right now I can't get. Sorry if this has been raised before, but I want some of this gear. I've put 10 odd years into my crim and don't fancy making an enfo just to access these kits, and essentially have to start again. Some of the vehicle kits would look really good with some crim and some enfo parts together, like the Waragis, the Raptor and Cheetah kits, and the Mammoth and Bighorn kits.


LO please consider just doing away with the cross faction exclusivity and open all items up to everybody. You'd be pleasing a lot of players who want this gear they can't get, and probably making some easy money.



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