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Hoplon ends their job here has got some years ago.
The team with more them 200 players from brazil is still not playing the game coz we had a 193 Latency connection is not playable.

Please PLEASE .... PLEASE !!! Hurry with this... give us ANY CONSIDER and bring us a server to the family South America who's still LOVE this game and waiting since 2016 for a server.

Any consider ? Can somebody from the staff reply me about this ? Has any idea from your how much we are waiting for this happens ?.....Come on.

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I've been waiting for so long, I love this game and I don't want it to end so soon, now with this update of a New Horizon, I think I could even look at other Horizons and put a South American server again, so that the US can play with people with the same Ping and Latency.

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They always talk about the possibility of an SA server, but that promise is becoming increasingly unreachable for us players in South America. The truth is that this NA server is only active because we inhabit it, even with 150+ latency, which, like it or not, makes the gameplay totally terrible. But what can we do, right friends? We love this mess called APB Reloaded.


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