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Thoughts on APB current state 2023

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Main problem:


1.  Not enough players!


Solution: add LOTS of new, NPC AI players to both sides.   Have them get harder as YOU increase in level.  I just want to play against anyone or something at this point.  Even if its AI NPCs.  Often ill just go shoot in the street just to test all the cool different weapons.


2.  Rename game into something else.  Just call it ‘Reloaded’ or ‘Half Cocked’. With APB as a game feature within.  The name APB has been through the ringer over the years.


3.  Have daily/weekly missions to do against NPCs/ AI.   PVE needs to added to keep interest in the game.  Yes i know its a pvp game at heart, and its a blast when there are others logged in.  But if no one is logged on then the game dies.  Add smart AI, NPC players to play or team up with against.


4.  Add random, challenging, PVE bosses that appear during missions (during this time u never run out of ammo).  Make them very difficult to kill.  And have them drop high end gear/loot. 🙂


5.  Add crafting illegal weapons and breaking down existing weapons.  Make these for sell on players NPC throughout the city. Like in a dark alley some shady dude that has high end illegal player only crafted gear.


6.  Add swords. With an only sword combat zones or fight club pits.


7.  Add ‘Purge’ mode once a week or so.   All the citizen fight back and have increased health. 

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I have moved this topic to the Game Suggestions section of our APB Reloaded forums.


- Azukii

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