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Servers downs? My connection maybe?

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First of all, sorry for my poor English, I'm French and I'm probably going to make extensive use of google translation.
Then, since yesterday, June 25, 2018, I can not connect to the game anymore.
I arrive on the character selection screen, I choose one, and then the game disconnects me before I can choose a lobby.
I tried to recreate a character, and when choosing the server (EU, US, etc ...) only the ping of the server Han (East-Asia) is displayed. And indeed, after various tests, this is the only one I can connect to.
But I'd rather play with my regular character, and on my regular server.
Am I the only one to experience this problem?


EDIT: I forgot to specify, I'm a PC player , and my character is on Citadel (EU), obviously.

Edited by Rafaelle

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your not the only one, same on ps4 server, some people cant connect but some other can 🤨

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