More balance changes than these need to be made, but for the most part these are what really ruins APB's gameplay on a core level. Most of these changes are mainly adjustments to values.
Fix the spawn system
For defenders, bare minimum spawn should be 120m from the objective no matter what. For attackers, bare minimum spawn should be 100m. The maximum for either side should be 200. Remove the car spawner mod from the game or adjust the spawn rules so you cannot spawn within 120m of the objective. Both sides should have a cluster of spawn options on opposite sides of the objective. The spawn options should be 50m from each other and scattered around a 250m radius of the objective (while still following the rule of spawning on one side of the objective). If you die and before you respawn the objective is taken you should spawn at minimum 200m from the new point and within 300m of the old point. All of this would address the issues of people dying then respawning right next to the objective/other players and dying when an objective is taken then respawning at the new point before the other team can get to it. It also addresses how strong car spawners are since it allows you to create your own spawn point and since you're already in a car can get to a location much quicker than even a player who spawns new cars/a car spawner.
Fix explosives/resupplying
Explosives should be a very limited aspect of the game. Limit all grenades to 1 and remove the ability to resupply them outside of joker machines and respawning. Low yields would also go from 3>1, but low yields are already very useful since they can go further and have a lower timer to throw. Add a 2 minute global cooldown to resupplying/changing weapons.
Balance cars
Slightly buff the speed and acceleration of the Coywolf, Jericho, and Bishada to make them more viable. Make a slight nerf to speed and significant nerf to handling and acceleration of the Espacio and Pioneer. These cars are too strong due to how tanky they are while providing amazing cover in a game where you can't shoot through windows making it extremely common for people to just sit in these cars. Making them feel heavier and sluggish to use will help balance them so other cars are more viable. Nerf the 4x4's top speed or acceleration so it's not such a strong all around car. It's tanky since it can survive a concussion grenade while also being fast and powerful in ramming situations. Either nerf its speed or nerfs its ramming power, but I'd recommend speed so it fits a niche of being a strong sports car instead of dipping into the Bishada/Jericho niche.