Welcome to the GodTier of APB.
Awards and Global Dominance
8BIT is the original winners of the Hit Squad Event across Europe due to our superior skill, extensive knowledge in role-playing and exposing our enemies weakness through our greatness.
We are also proud to present that we are now the best role play clan on APB.
Current Roster
Due to the fast growth of our fellowship, we at 8Bit have made the decision to take up the suggestion from fellow clans of having some form of Leadership, a council of some sort.
To be part of the new Democratic leadership called the 8Bit Council Elders.
These people while in-active in-game they will provide general guidance over the clan for various members in terms of rules, gaming strategy/tactics and clan morals.
Want to join us? Post in this thread why you should be in 8BIT and be exalted within the ranks of the Elders. We will forward your request to the Elders, and it's up to them if you can join or not.
Team Shoutout's