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Posts posted by Toshly

  1. 1 minute ago, justchecking said:

    I'm really happy I don't have to be waken up right now and deal with all of that shit show g1 made, that I can tell you.


    Everyone wants to play, the only reason I registered is because I couldnt log in, I wanna play too. But I also happen to know what kind of pain devs are dealing with right now. Trust me they would love you to log in right now.

    i agree - my brother and i ran a gta-sa server with 99 player base for a couple of years, and whenever we had bugs or had to make an update ( perhaps got attacked ) we felt very presured and bad, and worked as quick as possible, i guess all we can do is be patient and trust in them ( I really really hope they can find the issuse soon though ) ^^ 

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