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Posts posted by Disco2Disco

  1. How about we for once get this game back into its shining days. All we need is developers, and the head of staff working on this let us call it a franchise for now, to heed our needs for an updated engine, or at least changes to make it appealing to the outside world.

    Plus factors:
    The game offers a wide range of customization.

    Very few games offer this, its always superficial customization, such as a pre-loaded mask, or hat, in APB you can make anything possible, but... The game needs updates, and more maps, and a wider selection of things to do. If the developers, or those in charge wake up, or have plans, want plans to upgrade the engine, make changes that can better the welfare of the game, and/or have the determination to do so. Every community player should help out.

    Not sure what the issues is, and why APB has been left alone for a while now, its a milking machine as it is now, and every right to them for leaving it that way, I am pretty sure at some point APB was handed over to someone, somebody and it was left to sink down the drain.

    But if we can get an answer from the developers, or the head of staff, on what the issue is, if everyone who've played this game since day one can chip in, help out in anyway that would possibly make a way for us to get a new engine, updated engine, or an entirely new game with the same features.

    I want to see changes, I remember the good old days where it was actually competitive, people were forming alliances with good players, and forming tons of clans, and without bragging too much, I was shining in the fight club taking the first place almost every time, every week. Till it slowly died out, there were no alienation, or a feeling of missing something.

    But logging in today felt lonely, the community is literally broken, leaving very few responsive players, and active players, half the players are sitting in trade district doing nothing but harrasing others, and trying to find chicks, or arguing about pointless things, as a good old veteran player, I can show any player that them having a nano, or sitting duck, or condor, or whatever means nothing compared to the skill it requires to play at a good level. But all they do is argue about prices, and everyone wants the weapons, and when you finally get to play with others in-game they lack very much game sense, but they do have shiny weapons. Of course there used to be people like them back in the days as well, but they were overlooked since the majority actually dedicated time into playing the actual Game. The other half, or some of the other half are either people that wont speak English, Cant speak English, and its rather frustrating,

    What's left is a small percentage of players that want to enjoy a game, they cant really enjoy.

    Can we fix it?

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