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Everything posted by EEowyn

  1. like the title says....spawns r fukin broken. Enemies are spawning 10 feet away. Stop making the game like an arcade
  2. My post needs to bumped!
  3. Why isn't your developers fixing the spawn system? It's completely broken! Enemies are spawning 30m to 50m after they die, i kill 2 of them engage the other, after 5 secs they spawn right behind me. Enemy is spawning 30m away WITH ME after I spawn. I am chasing down an enemy 50m from objective, i see enemies are already spawning when i am engaging someone I am trying to prepare traps/defences...take better position, enemy again is spawning infront of me. MAKE IT MANDATORY AT ALL TIMES TO SPWN 150m to 200M away. Stop making this game like an arcade
  4. PLEASE....stop fiddling with RFP-9 recoil. It never needed a buff or nerf.
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