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Posts posted by EmeL

  1. 4 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    What was changed recently?


    They nerfed the CR762's damage and range a while back. I felt that was too much of a nerf. It dropped it's damage to the same value as having heavy barrel 3 on the pre-nerf version, but without the bloom reduction.


    It's obvious this patch was going to go poorly. Tests had 90% of the system disabled. You relied on the players to test it, when you could have done all the testing in 1 day with a single workstation and a dozen APB instances logged in with random accounts and random threat data. It's obvious it's not matching threat properly. I got multiple matches with 2 golds vs 2 bronze. Those matches don't happen on the old matchmaking. It would match in a 3rd player for the 2 bronze team.

    They've posted the weapon balance in the LO discord, basically they reverted this cr 762 nerf, putting back the effective range and increasing the dmg a little bit, basically to indirectly balance the OBIR which was pretty much the only option to the Rifle role (and imo it's still is).

    They've also buffed LCR in the fire rate interval and bloom per shot

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  2. I want to suggest a change to an existing item, the default legging material it's pretty similar to the glossy version of it, I'd love to see the leggings with an actual matte material instead of glossy, mainly when u use darker colors u would see it reflecting on the light which I believe it shouldn't supposed to be like this

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  3. So this starts happening today when I tried to play the game and it's still happening for some reason and I cannot find a solution.


    Restarted my internet / Restarted my computer / Tried different games (which I had no connection problems or spikes on the ping) . 


    My only guess is the routing connection for APB, if anyone can help me with that I would appreciate it. 




    As you can see my ping is 499ms, and the normal scenario is 130ms when my ping is ok to 300ms when my internet is really bad.

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