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Everything posted by policebrett

  1. Whenever the PC version is updated to EU 3.5 and subsequently the console version probably. They should update there apb website to add like a picture of there roadmap plans like how defiance did when they released the game on ps4 and xbox one https://www.trionworlds.com/defiance/en/2018/07/26/content-roadmap/ and destiny 2 roadmap https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47190
  2. Well I never post on APB forums and they don't have like sections like when I post on my alo game site that is categorize like this https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums But yea when will this be added of it day and night cycle be n the console?
  3. So I notice that apb reloaded on Xbox one and maybe PlayStation 4 regardless if it social, financial or waterfront districts they never switch to night time and just stay in day time everyday I don't know if anyone else notice it.But when I hop on the pc version of apb reloaded it had it day and night cycle how come it not happening on console versions of apb reloaded?
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