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Posts posted by SirZechs_Lucifer

  1. What I really want to happen about every new stuff that comes for APB is for it to not be hastened, like the IR3 nerf that got reversed.

    Please, do not be hasty about stuff that you guys want to bring to APB.

    Sure, the Engine Upgrade has been and still is a hot topic but make the Upgrade perfect. There will obviously be people who will complain even when the new engine comes but I guess that's that..

    Forth-story-short, take your time with everything.

  2. Hey Devs / Community Manager / Whatever Staff Member will answer this.
    I have a major problem with my APB:Reloaded Account and if possible could someone from the support reply to it fast and give me some info about what can be done about it? I obviously know it's not only me who has sent a ticket to Support, and my case isn't special, but I'm really desperate about it..

    Case Number: #82469

    Please have a look at it and tell me what additional info I should provide further.

  3. Hello community and Devs! I'm coming to you all with the idea of adding the [What's New!] Tab into APB. How would this play out in-game? Well, here:
    1. I'm going to give a proper example of a [What's New!] Tab: World of Warcraft. When you create your character and log into the world, there's your [What's New!] Tab, showing you new content that has appeared, such as "Return to Karazhan" dungeon in Patch 7.1.5.
    I'd like to see this play out into APB aswell, with new content and them being linked with an extension, which would allow us to see the new content directly in-game, not with redirects on our Web Browser.

    Again, that was a proper example, I'm not saying "WoW > APB". You cannot compare an Open World TPS RPG with a MMORPG. Different gameplay, etc.
    2. Players would be able to interact with doors that cannot be opened in APB, and those doors for example to show a mini-conversation or something, think of an Easter-Egg or something into that manner. It would make the game more vivid, not just "Pew pew, pow pow", in some sort of manner.

    Thank you all for taking a look to this topic and I hope I'll see people reacting to this, aswell as Staff Members. Take care everyone!

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