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Posts posted by Damned00

  1. Yeah I mingled bluehole and little orbit, probably because I read also some stories about a law case in Korea, but whatever, my bad.

    I understand for the bullet drop off, but it is kind of strange to also do that to the AK's (I don't remember the exact name in this game), I was against some dude who was really strong (or maybe cheating, I dunno and don't really care because it isn't the topic and it was before the implementation of the new anti-cheat engine), anyway he hit every bullets and I managed to survive, like said up there, maybe change a bit of the trajectory of the bullet to compensate the extreme dropoff ? In csgo there is a dropoff, but not that extreme. Anyway, it seems to be a sensitive subject.

    About the update of the hitbox, it doesn't seem to be a bad idea, I will search if I can contact a LO dev or something.

    Thanks for the replys.

  2. Hello,

    I don't know if it is the right section, I wanted to post it for a Q&A but I coudln't find anything...
    So I was wondering if BH plans to modify the hitbox and add seperate area of the body with different multiplicators (more damage in the head for example and less in the legs/arms) like a lot of FPS. The second question is about the damage reduction when an ennemy is far away, I think it's kind of weird to unload a full clip on someone and he doesn't die only because he is far away. Does BH plan to modify it or not ?

    Thanks in advance.

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