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Everything posted by Afanickton

  1. Gamersfirst was lazy about a lot of things and I feel like they just came up with excuses so they didn't have to do /actual/ work. The game is still 95% RTW made and hardly any of the actual games been changed.
  2. So when it was removed the default for stamina is now +15% more? Seems like LTL is still a significant problem though and could do with a character mod still.
  3. Any input on the character mod making its way back into the game then? The rifle stamina focus sounds like even more of a reason to bring this back.
  4. It did indeed exist, and also there is still a rifle that stuns, the Agrotech DMR-AV the stamina surpasses the health damage(at least listed in-game it is, but on APB:DB they equal out.) I get a fair amount of stuns with it accidentally from afar because health damage diminishes at range drastically while the stun doesn't as much It feels like. I feel like a screen blackout would be nice to visually stop it but voip is still a factor and that you can be rescued by teammates so you wouldn't know when to get back in the action.
  5. During RTW's tenure of APB I remember a character mod that could boost the stamina pool, I don't know why Gamers first removed it in the first place but why not bring it back? I spent 7 years playing Enforcer and only just now started tasting the life of a Criminal character and realized the problem LTL can really be and how some in-game trolls abuse it creating a toxic environment. This also doesn't have to be just for criminals (even though it'd be more beneficial) but usable by enforcers also.
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