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Posts posted by Spilner

  1. https://ibb.co/MMBbtJK


    As can be seen on this picture, i am getting this error.


    I had the same error in Battlefront 2 recenrtly, i downloaded a lot of DLL files and put in to the windows folders. That made it work.


    i tried using "repair" in the APB launcher, and also i set the APB to be run as administrator, no succes. I tried googling APB 0xc000007b, and it comes up with all those DLL files to try again.


    Did anyone have this issue, and what files did you use to resolve it? i am not a big fan of copy and pasting a ton more of these files in to the system32 folder.


    In advance, thanks



  2. I don't understand why there should be a revamp of the old menu. Just put on the old song again and the same background. It hits the right mood and atmosphere with the contacts speaking over it. Real-time world's nailed that one perfect. Why fix something that ain't broken. It might even be a good thing with some nostalgia brought back in the game. The current log in screen is horrible 

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