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Excuses for what precisely? Do you think that I'm a dethreater because I do not want to play with a dethreater in the team?
Instead i see the thing more as it is right now. There is a consistent part that fill the bronzes dis and "another half" as we said that prefer playing each day in silver districts. This idea could eliminate the way dethreaters make the game worse, letting everyone enjoy, like I told you many times. You're right when you say pratically that they will stay still dethreaters but without that annoying path. This is a good reason to be honest. They in fact will choose to be silvers and will fight others with the same feeling. Same thing the golds that will choose to fight who want be the best etc etc I don't see any weird thing to be honest, and following the logic you can't fail mate.
Mate no again, "half will go silver" which will force what? If an half go to right, why then the other half must go right too, and no for example to left? No logical. I could say the same then. If half golds move to Gold district then the silvers will move there too. Still no sense but at least this time I'm using the same weapon vs you. At this point yours is just a way to oppose my idea without logical bases.
All the current dethreaters are a small part, but very boring. The rest are Golds or Silvers. This idea poses a solution for everyone, mainly to eliminate the phenomenon of dethreating. So I do not think the current golds will choose to be silver, otherwise they would already do it now, do not you think? Instead they do not because they do not want to play in the bronze district. For the pop in the districts I told you before, only in this way can the gold district be populated.
I do not say that your opposition makes no sense. on the contrary, it is justified, but only because we think or reason through current experience. In fact, if we could choose to be Silver or Gold, do you really think that dozens of players, hundreds, who have been Gold for years and never want to be Silver, choose a lower threat? No, I think instead that just so we could finally see the Gold districts filled and full. It would be a sort of embarrassment for many to choose to be Silver, while for someone else this would be a goal. It depends on the point of view. Everyone can enjoy it.
To cancel the "dethreating" phenomenon. To choose your own level of threat without it being mandatory. and for what i typed previously to you 1 If in fact I play Gold to be competitive, I will not find Bronzes in my team. 2 If I want to play in the Silver I will not find "dethreaters" Gold in my team who want to make me lose. 3 If I want to play against the Bronzes, I have to take a low rank, so a new character. This "makes a little more fair" the fight between an experienced player (that chose the Bronze level for his new character) and a new player in all respects.
exactly mate, it means only one word for most users - Silver I call it Silver because it is currently the game. If LO were to change things, then we could also call it "Butterfly", "Monkey", "Rainbow" trivial examples to say that that is not important. So only those who want to be competitive will be Gold. Only those who are "new" will be Bronze.
At least mate you have partly grasped what I say. Yet, I do not know if you do it purposely to want to see only the advantage of having each district divided by appropriate threats (according to personal judgment). 1 If in fact I play Gold to be competitive, I will not find Bronzes in my team. 2 If I want to play in the Silver I will not find "dethreaters" Gold in my team who want to make me lose. 3 If I want to play against the Bronzes, I have to take a low rank, so a new character. This "makes a little more fair" the fight between an experienced player (that chose the Bronze level for his new character) and a new player in all respects. Do they look like ridiculous benefits?
So only those who want to be competitive will be Gold. This give the possibility of choosing between Three levels of Threat. I create a character I am Green/Bronze. Reached a rank limit I then have the obligation to decide a new threat level - first between Bronze or Silver, and after another level of rank between Silver and Gold. (However from the beginning I have the possibility of choosing if I already want to do it). For example, if I choose Silver I'm stuck for a period with this level. I will only play in those specific districts for my Threat level. What does this involve? It means that only competitive players will choose to show themselves as "Gold" while those who have uncertainties will play as Silver. The others, the users who instead in Silver districs will be in difficulty, will choose the Bronze level. You can also block the decision on the downside - regarding the lowest Threats - once you reach an acceptable rank level. Example: level (?) can not select Bronze anymore. Ex1: I want to play with Silver friends without being forced to do so in competitive districts. Or without me having to lose my Threat level along an unfortunate path for everyone. Ex2: I want to always be competitive, I do not care about "noobs". I want to compare myself with the best ones. The Silvers in my district ruin the matches. Ex3: To be honest, I'm new, I'm not good yet. I need time to become somebody on APB and maybe buy some weapon, know how to use it well. I choose for me Bronze until I reach that certain rank. But at that time I will already be the one who does not want to be Bronze anymore. Responses to users: 1: hello TheOppositePolarBear No, What you say is to take my idea and make a story of it over the current mechanism. The probability that someone with 5k hours is in the same district with one who has only 300 hours will be low, very low. You say that the other are idiots. And if what you say could happen, no one could ever accuse the system, but it is precisely because you chose the wrong level for yourself. If new, and with a low rank in fact I would have chosen in each game an appropriate Threat, not the highest, nor the medium one. On the other hand, if you are always low-skill, the Silver level will be suitable for you even with a million hours of play. 2: Evening CookiePuss, No, instead, if after a certain rank everyone is forced to choose a Threat other than Green or Bronze. The Silver Threat is permanent if you never want to choose that Gold, to avoid competitive districts and hours of "dethreating". "so a high gold player can choose silver threat and then not have to worry about finding easy opp for a month cuz he can slam people in silver" If he chooses to play in the Silver district, it means that he is not a "high Gold" player. Maybe high just for rank. The opponents will not be easier, but of his own level, if the others in fact take the same decision to be Silver. Guys you have to get out of the logic of taking this idea and mix it with the current system.
If he chooses to play in the Silver district, it means that he is not a "high gold" player. Maybe high just for rank. The opponents they will not be easier, but of their own level, if the others in fact take the same decision to be Silver. Guys you have to get out of the logic of taking this idea and mix it with the current system.
Evening CookiePuss, No, instead, if after a certain rank everyone is forced to choose a Threat other than Green or Bronze. The Silver Threat is permanent if you never want to choose that Gold, so as to avoid competitive districts and hours of "dethreating".
hello TheOppositePolarBear No, What you say is to take my idea and make a story of it over the current mechanism. The probability that someone with 5k hours is in the same district with one who has only 300 hours will be low, very low. You say that the other are idiots. And if what you say could happen, no one could ever accuse the system, but it is precisely because you chose the wrong level for yourself. If new and with a low rank in fact I would have chosen in each game an appropriate Threat, not the highest, nor the medium one. On the other hand, if you are always low-skill, the Silver level will be suitable for you even with a million hours of play.
So only those who want to be competitive will be Gold. This give the possibility of choosing between Three levels of Threat. I create a character I am Green/Bronze. Reached a rank limit I then have the obligation to decide a new threat level - first between Bronze or Silver, and after another level of rank between Silver and Gold. (However from the beginning I have the possibility of choosing if I already want to do it). For example, if I choose Silver I'm stuck for a period with this level. I will only play in those specific districts for my Threat level. What does this involve? It means that only competitive players will choose to show themselves as "Gold" while those who have uncertainties will play as Silver. The others, the users who instead in Silver districs will be in difficulty, will choose the Bronze level. You can also block the decision on the downside - regarding the lowest Threats - once you reach an acceptable rank level. Example: level (?) can not select Bronze anymore. Ex1: I want to play with Silver friends without being forced to do so in competitive districts. Or without me having to lose my Threat level along an unfortunate path for everyone. Ex2: I want to always be competitive, I do not care about "noobs". I want to compare myself with the best ones. The Silvers in my district ruin the matches. Ex3: To be honest, I'm new, I'm not good yet. I need time to become somebody on APB and maybe buy some weapon, know how to use it well. I choose for me Bronze until I reach that certain rank. But at that time I will already be the one who does not want to be Bronze anymore. Responses to users: 1: hello TheOppositePolarBear No, What you say is to take my idea and make a story of it over the current mechanism. The probability that someone with 5k hours is in the same district with one who has only 300 hours will be low, very low. You say that the other are idiots. And if what you say could happen, no one could ever accuse the system, but it is precisely because you chose the wrong level for yourself. If new, and with a low rank in fact I would have chosen in each game an appropriate Threat, not the highest, nor the medium one. On the other hand, if you are always low-skill, the Silver level will be suitable for you even with a million hours of play. "of course, a majority of people will do the same thing so really this will just lead to the same situation we have now except even faster because no one has to dethreat" Yet, I do not know if you do it purposely to want to see only the advantage of having each district divided by appropriate threats (according to personal judgment). A If in fact I play Gold to be competitive, I will not find Bronzes in my team. B If I want to play in the Silver I will not find "dethreaters" Gold in my team who want to make me lose. C If I want to play against the Bronzes, I have to take a low rank, so a new character. This "makes a little more fair" the fight between an experienced player (that chose the Bronze level for his new character) and a new player in all respects. Do they look like ridiculous benefits? If we could choose to be Silver or Gold, do you really think that dozens of players, hundreds, who have been Gold for years and never want to be Silver, choose a lower threat? No, I think instead that just so we could finally see the Gold districts filled and full. It would be a sort of embarrassment for many to choose to be Silver, while for someone else this would be a goal. It depends on the point of view. Everyone can enjoy it. 2: Evening CookiePuss, No, instead, if after a certain rank everyone is forced to choose a Threat other than Green or Bronze. The Silver Threat is permanent if you never want to choose that Gold, to avoid competitive districts and hours of "dethreating". "so a high gold player can choose silver threat and then not have to worry about finding easy opp for a month cuz he can slam people in silver" If he chooses to play in the Silver district, it means that he is not a "high Gold" player. Maybe high just for rank. The opponents will not be easier, but of his own level, if the others in fact take the same decision to be Silver. Guys you have to get out of the logic of taking this idea and mix it with the current system.