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Posts posted by Samuwai

  1. The game performance is heavily dictated by cpu power, so overclocking can produce large improvements.



    Other than that, I would also agree with others regarding the advanced launcher. This community made program in which provides a lot of options to lower certain game quality aspects in favor of performance.

  2. As far as I interpret the roadmap post, their goal for that patch should be within the next couple of weeks.



    Since their goal is to work on the engine related patches during July; just kind of putting two and two together with the months they mentioned.



    A rough estimate at best.

  3. Methinks we need a Diamond rank 😛, though in general I don't think there are enough players to sufficiently balance matchmaking at the moment within the current system.



    Would rather have more missions than waiting a long time for them, if only to achieve more balanced missions.

  4. To be honest, I don't see the reason in being so discriminatory. It would be more worthwhile to simply unban everyone and start from scratch.


    The fact that both of the previous administrative teams have enacted in shady practice on multiple occasions should be enough reason.



    I understand the need to protect the integrity of your IP with the charge backs and such events, though even then it is a bit unnecessary at this point in the game's life.

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