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Posts posted by LeFoox

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nipps22 said:

    I would better pay 5$ for the gun, instead of wasting 2000$ on JMB and getting nothing. 

    I disagree!
    There should be rare stuff in this game.

    And they should be hard to aquire.
    Im not saying the boxes was the right thing to do in the first place, but taking all the cool stuff in the game and make it avalible for 5$ on armas is a very wrong thing to do and will ruin all the "magic" around these funky rare guns.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Krrris said:

    I'm sorry but making legendary weapons not tradeable or sellable in marketplace will ruin the apb marketplace. More over in this game there are many spheres that players are using, for example making Symbols, Cars, Themes, Songs and also trade, exchanging of legendaries. Its like removing one of this spheres.

    Exchanging, Trading legendary weapons in apb reloaded was always one of the most important and interesting part of the game. It will be very sad to most of us seeing it locked away. I'm sure there are more players who will agree with me.

    I suggest to improve the trading system instead of removing the legendary exchange sphere completely.

    There are many players who waiting for a better trading system instead of locking legendary weapons to account bound. 

    I totally agree with this.
    THOUGH... if changed... we would need somthing to counter ballance the hole this might leave. some other way to trade rare guns.

    KEEP IN MIND! if you disallow this people with create mule accounts with these locked guns and trade the account for real money.
    Don't try and fix a problem so that it might get worse.

    This is just my thourghts on this.

    • Thanks 1
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