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Everything posted by LsanaZ

  1. LsanaZ

    apb wont start

    As the tittle says, the game simply wont start, i restarted playing apb like 2 weeks ago and have been playin pretty much daily a few games, well yesterday i played and today when i try to go to play chaos happens, launcher open ups as usual, click start, SARD pops ups, fades away, then game shutdowns i have ran it has admin i have done the c+++ 2012 thing i have reinstalled restarted the pc tried to check cache on steam and couldnt alltho 2 of my other to friends cant either but the game starts normally if anyone has any clue or help they can give, thanks
  2. LsanaZ


    There is like 1 good player in that clan :^). All hail Lord Melo. Also the true GOD of FightClub is the one and ONLY Unquiet the God
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