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Posts posted by Lylith

  1. Engine update won't ever hit. 

    There is another game called "The Isle" who ran into the EXACT same issue, and they learned quicker that it's MUCH easier to simply RE-MAKE the game than to try to update the old one.
    (Google The Isle: EVRIMA / The Isle: Legacy for more info if you don't know what I'm referring to.)

    LO Simply has to realize that taking a shortcut isn't the best move here. They're better off running 1.2 or whatever version they're currently running APB on while completely remaking the game in the new engine from scratch on the side.

    YES, it's a long process. It's taken two whole years for The Isle to create EVRIMA, but the base game is done now, and official servers have been up and running for a year. If LO had simply done this, you'd already have APB 2.0 out, + a few updates, but LO made some stupid decisions and tried to save money and time with a shortcut that other companies discovered BEFORE them, wouldn't work.

    So no, unless LO decides to finally learn from their mistakes and do what needs to be done, you won't see APB 2.0.

  2. 10 hours ago, Goldtiger said:

    People who have never been pemabanned for an invalid reason would never be able to understand this until it happens to them. That's the sad truth.

    I WAS perma-banned.


    I'm not allowed to talk about the details, but I had lots of tickets against my in game characters for bad language. I was given a warning and then perma banned. I messaged Matt directly, and when the service team got to my ticket, they gave me an answer... You didn't see me cry on here. I lost over 1,750 USD in purchases and you didn't see me defame the owner of the company... I have over 2,000 hours on the steam platform alone, and thats' before I switched to the standalone launcher and PS4, but I didn't come on the forums and act like a child, crying because my favorite toy was taken.


    This game has an age restriction. Lets act like we aren't 13. Ok? And to be clear, I got my account re-instated after a year of punishment. Sometimes if you're nice and sincere enough, you can get what you want... BUT I GUARANTEE that this guy won't get his account back now... Not with the way he acted here.

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  3. [-] Song list [-]


    Melanie Martinez

    - Soap

    - Carousel

    - Cry Baby


    Phantom of the Opera

    - Overture 



    - Numa Numa


    Lemon Demon

    - Brodyquest


    [-] Request a song [-]


    Post an 8bit song link below. Please use youtube links only.


    If an 8bit version isn't available, please link the original song.

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