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  1. 23 hours ago, Slickmund said:
    Yet all the in game available weapons rule their classes, along with their armas reskins (without considering some special JMB weapons like medusa, which defenitely is on par if it doesnt outperform the SHAW in many scenarios). Not to be offensive mate, but whats your point really? That theres only two assault rifles to pick from besides armas? Theres only 2 shotguns to pick from as well, 2 smgs, 2 snipers, 2 explosive weapons and oddly 4 semi-rifles. It was intended that way, and it works pretty well. Plenty of ARMAS unique weapons are available through Joker tickets as well, still, I wouldnt consider it because the standard weapons are still a lot better in most situations. The NTEC outperforms the STAR in most situations most say, the NHVR outperforms the DMR in most situations most say, the NFAS outperfoms the JG in most situations some say, the OBIR outperforms the Obeya some say, the OSCAR outperforms the SR-15 some say. I say bogus to all of that. I see all of these weapons, used well, used poorly, day in day out on high level and on low level. OSMAW is op? Mortar that shit with the OPGL, gl OSMAW, seeya on the next stiff walk.

    The more I play, the more I start using all the guns, non-armas, and start to see how well balanced they are. I see a lot of players agreeing on this, and less whining about it in game. Yet I see the opposite on the forums, cus hey guess what, the one that appreciates it rarely takes it to the forums, whilst the annoyed brat that calls "unfair" goes to the forum to convince the rest of us and the staff along with it preferably.
    Sorry if I seem agitated throughout my posts, its the narrow perspective most seem to deliver critique from that annoys me at this point, and your argument seems really irrelevant to me at this point. Weapon pool is as intended on most ends. You see high weapon diversity because of this, yet loudmouths still focus and nitpick on silly stuff to make a statement. Nearly all armas weapons are extremely niche and limit your playstyle, which keeps the game from become P2W. How is that a bad thing? Add Raptor to the in game accesible weapons? Youre gonna see it just as rarely as you do now, just like the ATAC, which you can actually get through the joker stores. Why? Because the standard weapons can still beat it in most situations.
    Nah I get what you're saying. I've been playing for a long patootie time, I've seen the coming and going of different guns... I remember the jump scouts being ridiculously accurate, the god-tier Whisper.... The N-TEC just fills every role decent enough to be viable in any situation. Running around with a JG can be fun, but not every fight is up close and personal, the objective moves, a bunch of things can change. So what do you do? Switch guns obviously, but what do you switch to? A long range gun? I guess you could... or you can grab an N-TEC.
    8 hours ago, CrimeCleaner said:

    I dont know if this topic is relevant, because LO said weapon changes are coming. Just wait for that.


    The one post that was made so far made no mention of the N-TEC, though I do see a change of some sorts to come.

  2. 14 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    19 minutes ago, WELCOMETOFLAVORTOWN said:
    The ATAC except with a special mod... who cares
    Not even purchasable on ARMAS, RNG
    nitpicking, the non-legendary variants of the raptor 45 are available on armas
    I didn't know there were non-legendary versions lol.
    Point still stands tho, still an ARMAS weapon

  3. Let's look at the other AR's tho... there's an obvious problem
    *not including the JT versions

    Eh, kinda the middle child. Doesn't excel at anything, isn't useless at anything... it's description is literally 'jack of all trades'

    Kinda like the STAR, slow firing, slow blooming, slow recovering, medium-long range accuracy

    The opposite of the first two, fast firing, less accurate, short-medium range

    The ATAC except with a special mod... who cares
    Not even purchasable on ARMAS, RNG

    The apocalypse guns or whatever the hell they're called :
    These guns were never meta

    SR-15 (Carbine):
    The ATAC of semi auto rifles... kinda

    CR-762 (Obeya):
    Long range semi auto gun, more accuracy at range, dookie up close

    Basically a burst fire CR-762

    Burst fire Carbine
    BURST - Rank 190+ exclusive

    See the problem? If it isn't an ARMAS weapon, it's a niche weapon.
    The NTEC's niche is everything.

    It's one of the first guns you unlock, and you can use it exclusively if you really wanted to all the way through your progression of the game.

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