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Posts posted by Chevrolet

  1. 2 minutes ago, Goldtiger said:

    DISCLAIMER: I am not one of these entitled gold players that this person speaks of.


    Honestly, it annoys me how people in this community really expect people to want to get good at the game by being stomped on. If you look at the opposition's stats, someone literally went 11-1 w/ 5 assists using an NTEC URSUS...one of the most powerful (and overpowered imo) guns in the game. It is NOT fun at all to be matched with people who completely outrank you. So stop sitting on y'alls high horses and saying that he has no right to complain, like wow.


    There's a difference between playing against a gold player and playing against someone who completely outranks you. Clearly, the silvers on this team could put up some sort of fight to the bottom-frag golds on the opposing team, but the top-frag golds on the opposing team were impossible to beat... It's obvious cause one of them literally only died once. The top-fragging golds clearly outranked OP, which is why he is complaining; he should've never been put up against them to begin with.


    Every time I play APB, I always get put up against unfortunate silver players who literally stand no chance against me. What do I do? I give them free kills and sometimes even wins just so I don't drive them away by stomping them. Of course, most of the time, I do end it with a win on my side and with a high kd/r, but I try not to steamroll mainly b/c that only drives people away from the game. And IK that them being matched up against me is unfair and that I need to show some empathy.


    Unfortunately, this is true. If the game dies, this will be the main reason why; every person I've tried to get into this game has quit because of this. But I still have high hopes that LO will pull through.

    I mean yeah it sucks but literally everyone has gone through it. Take the L hope for a stacked team or easier opp next time. However I agree the ursus guy is a loser lmfao.

  2. 13 hours ago, Lying said:

    I got banned after afking in social for 6 hours, I restarted my game because my fps was locked @50. Rejoined social district and was met with a nice fairfight ban message. That was almost 3 years ago.

    That's a shame, your account sounds familiar..I think I've seen you on jericho before.  

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