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Posts posted by PillowWaifu

  1. 12 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Not an option?

    They just click the little silver circle. 


    Couple matches with guidance and you can set them free in bronze district. Shouldn't take too long before they rejoin you. 

    Sorry but thats not how reality works, they arent hardcore gamers(they mostly play girly games like star dew valley) and they have been bronze for about a year now, one of them is a very slow learner (the one that tries to get in a car that has no free seats), i am the only reason why they even play the game, they wont just go off and play by themselves. i have no idea why they even want to play this game but im glad they do and i just want them to have fun

  2. 9 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Bring them to your district.


    I do not think you comprehend, that is not an option, my friends cant even remember they cant get in a car on the side that already has a person sitting and try to snipe people using their shotguns, the only real option is simply to not play with them but than they wouldnt even play the game without me and i aint bringing them to a district where they are going to have an even worse time.

  3. 1 minute ago, Glaciers said:

    i think that’s arguable at best considering how broad the gold threat category is, but my main point was that these people would then likely just stop playing rather than reboot apb every 3rd match 

    or just accept their fate and play in silver

  4. Im trying to get a few people into APB but its really hard because we keep getting matched up against golds in a bronze district, my friends are bronze and one of them is even flip flopping between bronze and green, the game is not fun for them, one of them has already quit it, i dont understand why you still do not kick these shameless leaches out of the district as soon as they hit gold, is it really so difficult to implement 3 lines of code ? "if gold > kick"


    I genuinely thought that LO would make the game better and a year has passed and absolutely nothing was done about this or any other game breaking exploits, this is why this game cannot retain any new players, if you cannot implement a system that tracks people's stats (much could even tap into an already existing anti cheat system to do that) and detects dethreating and blocks them from accessing bronze, cant you guys at least do a kick for when a player turns gold?



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