NVIDIA Profile Inspector is a tool allowing you to modify game profiles inside NVIDIA driver database. It's similar to global or per-application settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel, but with more settings available. It allows changing/applying some settings even though they are not available in the game itself, such as: G-Sync, V-Sync, max pre-rendered frames, NVIDIA Ultra Low Latency / Reflex, anti aliasing, texture filtering, ambient occlusion and more. What exactly can be done depends on the game and used graphics API.
How can this be used in APB: Reloaded?
Most common use cases I've seen are:
Force Ambient Occlusion which adds shadows in corners and between 3D objects
Adjust Anti-Aliasing which allows for smoother edges of objects
Adjust Texture Filtering which allows for smoother textures at some range/threshold, modifying LOD Bias effects this range/threshold
How to use NVPI?
Download the package from GitHub link (nvidiaProfileInspector.zip)
Extract anywhere
Run the exe
Click the Profiles drop down and locate APB: Reloaded, it has been profiled by NVIDIA
Click the magnifying glass icon to show unknown settings from NVIDIA predefined profiles
Adjust settings as you see fit. When editing a setting, a small NVIDIA logo can appear on the right side - clicking it resets the setting to default
Suggested Settings for RTX 20/30/40 series players
(If you have GTX then simply use a less intensive form of anti aliasing like MSAA)
Sync and Refresh
Frame Rate Limiter V3: Set according to display specification or preference, I use 128fps as it's the engine limit for APB before things get wonky
G-SYNC if applicable to your display setup, this will also help if you set APB to a lower limit than your displays refresh rate like above
Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames: 1
Preferred Refreshrate: Highest Available
Ultra Low Latency - CPL State: On (if your gpu usage is less than 95%) Ultra (if your gpu usage is 95%-100%) most common to use On setting as Ultra can cause higher latency if not used correctly
Ultra Low Latency - Enabled: On
Ambient Occlusion - Compability (DX9)
0x0000000 (Dragon Age 2): no AO (default)
0x00000018 (Aion): strong AO
Ambient Occlusion - Usage: Enabled (turns on AO)
Ambient Occlusion - Setting: Quality
Anti Aliasing
(Preferences for this can depend on your resolution, display size, and PC setup. I run the game at 2560x1600 and disable the outdated in-game anti-aliasing method)
SGSSAA is an NVIDIA exclusive and does not seem to be available for AMD cards. SGSSA is a high quality form of transparency anti-aliasing.
AntiAliasing - Combined (Mode +Setting) 0x1180000E Override | 2x MSAA + 2x SGSSAA (SGSSAA is resource intensive but APB is so old now it's fine on a newer gpu)
Anti-Aliasing - Transparency Multisampling: Enabled
Anti-Aliasing - Transparency Multisampling Setting: Default
Anti-Aliasing - Transparency Supersampling: 2x Sparse Grid Supersampling
Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) - Mode: Override any application setting
Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) - Setting: 2x Multisampling (must be set to the equal amount that SGSSAA is set)
Texture Filtering
Anisotropic Filtering - Mode: User-defined/Off
Anisotropic Filtering - Setting: 16x (set to same value in-game, on a modern gpu this has no effect on performance in most any game)
Texture Filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias: On (should be on by default)
Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (DX): -1.5000 I've found to be good without over sharpening things and making the image break down
Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias: Allow (should be by default)
Ambient Occlusion - Usage: Enabled (turns on AO)
Ambient Occlusion - Setting: Quality
rBAR - Feature: Enabled (Exclusive to 30 & 40 series gpu)
rBAR - Options: 0x00000001 (Returnal, Red Dead Redemption 2)
rBAR - Size Limit: 0x0000000040000000 (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Shadercache - Cachesize: 10GB
(These settings help to eliminate micro-stutters from the game substantially without breaking in-game functions like customization as some .INI tweaks may do)
PS_ASYNC_SHADER_SCHEDULER_FLAGS: 0x00000008 DISABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION - debug: Disables garbage collection
SHADERMAXREGALLOWED: 0x00000400 Max - Specifies max register allowed when compiling/optimizing a shader
STAGING_CACHE_SIZE: 0x01000001 Max
These modifications are safe and can be reverted to defaults using NVPI but as always - do it at your own risk if you're unsure and not comfortable changing these settings.
On a i9-13900, RTX 4060 and 16GB RAM @ 2560x1600 I'm able to run the game on Maximum settings and maintain a stable 128fps!
Much love ya'll and hope this helps some people in the community!! <33