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Posts posted by aM1ty

  1. On 8/15/2024 at 3:23 PM, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    There was nothing of substance added in the recent patch. 
    It's a dying game with greedy management, capitalizing off of nostalgia that people have since players spent their youthful years playing the game.

    They've just released assets from early APB in this patch.
    Game still has bad weapon and movement mechanics for years, not awarding skill in any way.
    Game still runs horribly even on modern PC's, since it's a archaic UE game (UE in general is shit)
    If you wanna play the game for the customization aspect, there are other titles to take a look at.

    The old forums & current forums community section brims with ideas from passionate players, but for +10 years the devs have ignored them due to personal visions of how the game should be (or just general incompetence / unwillingness to do them), such as:
    - New district/map,,
    - Clan warfare content,,
    - WF overhaul (old forum had a great thread on suggestions),,
    - Lowering overall RNG and damage on problematic weapons (heavy HVR had issues for years, inaccurate representation of accuracy with crosshair + no customization of crosshair etc.),
    - Trimming/slimming down mod selection since they interfere with balancing (some mods should not exist at all),
    - UI changes / unification of UI interfaces (inconsistency between Scaleform & Kismet frameworks, still not allowing 3 FC maps simultaneously, you still cannot preview ARMAS clothing items individually, as seen with the release of the new bundles),
    - Tutorial overhaul (the game is not user-friendly at all, in terms of UI and gameplay mechanics. Just bad UX in general)
    - Rework of Prestige/Notoriety system
    - New game modes (BR would've been a great headstart for propelling APB, but they haven't capitalized on that)
    - Adding a functional frame limiter + uncap game in its entirety without the need for config changes (using WaitableSwapChains for capping method, for proper CPU/GPU synchro, even Trackmania from 2009 had this...)
    - Melee & skill-based movement mechanics (walljumping, sliding, fast direction changes/strafing etc.)
    - Unbalanced missions & obscure game mode choices for FC

    General UX of APB has stayed the same for years, apart from the great JT change Little Orbit did.
    All of this is in vain however, since no one wants to approach the game in an objective matter.
    Everybody seems to be living under an illusion and just pushing some agenda from Discord servers without critical thinking.

    Damn, apb to me will always be the game that had the most potential out of anything I’ve ever played it sucks we’ve always been stuck with  devs that don’t care 😕


    edit: thanks for the effort on this post 




    On 8/15/2024 at 7:48 PM, Spheri said:

    After a decade they've decided to put the new contact in fucking Waterfront. 
    That's all you need to know. 
    It's still a terrible game that I play.

    Fml waterfront. 

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