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Everything posted by EddieValen

  1. Same happens to me today. 2024/05/26 Summary: CAN'T GET PAST CHARACTER SELECT Description: 1. First, after login, all hot key failed 2. Typing in talking screen is all messed-up, Greek alphabet popped out instead of English. 3. Game automatically exited to the character selection screen multiple times 4. Can't exit the game by hitting the exit icon on the left-side toolbar, had to stop the game with task manager 5. Tried to login but stuck at the character selection screen, got the "your area is currently loading, please wait..." message 6. Tried Testing by generating a new test character, it worked and can play the game. However the existing characters still stuck and got the same "your area is currently loading, please wait..." message Reproduce: 1. Start the game and login 2. Run the update check and hit "Launch" 3. Enters the character selection screen, select existing character and hit "Play"
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